21. "easter"

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troye sighs looking at his bouncy 6 year old with a fond look. troye has taken him to the little play area in the mall to let him run around a little bit, before they continue their journey to find Easter outfits. what for? troye has no idea bc his family is currently on a cruise, may i add without him. this isnt a bother because he was the one who said they shoud go without him since he hasnt spent one just with his son. just his son. he has yet to get used to it, it puts a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. how naive he was to believe someone could love him right? wrong. how naive he was to believe someone could change. he was met with a rude awakening when he woke up covered in bruises, and his son, Zach, crying beside him. Troye new as soon as Zach saw him awake and cried even more that he needed to step up his game. Troye could not, no would not, let Zach suffer because oh him and his idiotic actions. the off thing was that when troyes former "boyfriend" was kicked out hy Shaun, troyes dad. he took everything, and by everything that means all of troyes money. however troye being an award winning musician and actor has more than enough money so this was not a problem. but it still set an unsettling feeling within troye that something like this could happen. he was too deep in thought to notice a set of eyes set on him.

a pair of striking green eyes are gazing right into his with an unreadable emotion flickering in them. troye didn't notice he had a child until Zach was introducing troye to her.

"dada, this is Mae, we play together" he introduces. troye smiles at Mae, she looks like someone familiar, pushing that aside he goes to introduce himself.

"hello Mae, you are very pretty" she blushes and smiles up at troye.

"dada, thats gushy mushy." zach says although hes smiling at him. troye rolls his eyes and shoos them to go play or else he'll tickle them. you can imagine the terrified squeals they left with, leaving troye giggling to himself.

he however, failed to notice someone that plopped themselves next to him.

"so you've met Mae?" asks a voice that makes troye almost jump out of his seat.

troye looks to his left and sees the man that he was having a "staring contest" with.

*lazy so italics is connor and bold is troye*

"yeah, is she yours?"

"yeah, um, we've been through a lot i guess."

"really? would you mind sharing?"

"um, i guess. so around last month I believe, my ex boyfriend left us and took everything. not money, because ive never kept money around the house, its always been in my bank account. but he took furniture. i mean who does that? but anyway he abused me so as soon as i saw mae crouched over me in tears, i, i couldnt stay around, the house gave me bad vibes anyway. so right now we are staying with my parents."

slightly blown away by his response and his "back story".

"im so sorry..."

"connor. with an o."

"im so sorry connor."

"why are you sorry..."

"troye. with an e."

"why are you sorry troye, you did nothing."

"yes i know that. but because maybe the same shitty ex i had was the same one you had."

connor stays silent his eyes glistening. but he wills back the tears. why? no one knows.

"troye..i...it..im so sorry."

troye looks at him and opens his arms. connor falls into them hesitation evident in his actions. they stay hugging until Zach and Mae come prancing over.

"dada, who is this." zach. troye and connor make eye contact and both smile at eachother.

"zach this is connor, connor this is zach." troye introduces.

"hey zach, youre very handsome." connor compliments. zach blushes and smiles up at him.

"hey connor? you want to spend easter with us?" connor looks at troye wide eyed, but then turns to mae.

"hey mae? want to spend easter with troye and zach?" mae looks back and forth between connor, troye, and zach, smiles the biggest smile and 5 year old has. well thats their answer.

who wouldve know the same shitty bastard could bring the 2 most wonderful men and children together.

wow. what. did. i. write. idfk.

okay im gonna go expect another one later.

follow ig ; @ troyesmellettt

**winks; BUHHHIIII- Blue Neighbourhood Outro**

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