The Untouchables, Chapter two

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The Untouchables, chapter two


"That charming lady back at the station recommened I get you medicaly checked out, why do I get the feeling that wont be necessary?"

That was the thing about Uncle Charlie. He was the only person I could never keep a secret from, or lie to without getting caught out. He knew me far too well for someone I only saw once a year.

I laughed at the sarcasm in his voice as he complimented the police woman. She'd been very rude when my uncle'd come to pick me up, nearly an hour ago. 

"Ah," she said when Uncle Charlie had appeared through the double doors, beads of rain clinging to his thick black coat. "You must be that one's uncle." She'd jerked her head in my direction, where I was rubbing my eyes, having just woken up from my pitiful nap. It had been an uncomfortable two hours in that hard chair. Not good for sleeping in, I'll tell you that. 

I heard her mutter 'headcase' as I jumped to my feet, swaying slightly, though that was only because I'd jumped to my feet so quickly after sitting so long. I'd chosen to ignore her. After all, I had reason enough to be in a pleasant mood, like, oh I don't know, the fact that I was free from living out the rest of my highschool career in an abusive enviornment. 

I was a genious. Hold your appluase.

Like I'd planned, my uncle had led me out to his car, carrying my bag for me. Zachary was no where in sight, but there was still a good chance he was around, watching me make my escape.

"I was faking," I admitted in response to his earlier question. 

I'd known that from the moment Uncle Charlie sighted my battered face he wouldn't let me go back to that awful man, which saved me explaining my plan to him, though he would have understood. 

"I realised as much." My uncle said with a sigh. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you got away from that bastard, but, Emilia," He said, his tone serious. "Why did you wait till eleven at night to run and not just call me to pick you up one day after school instead of walking home?"

"OK," I said, taking in what he'd said. "Going to the police station was necessary. If it takes you two hours to get to my school, but usually takes me about twenty minutes to walk home, Zachary would have gotten angry and come to pick me up, while  was waiting for you. You understand why I needed to be in the police station while I waited for you to come?"

"OK, but why eleven o'clock at night? I'm grateful you finally decided to get away from him and all, but you did disturb my sleep." 

My uncle wasn't being selfish, h ewas only joking. I knew he'd drive to California and back if it got me away from Zachary, whom he despised with a passion.

"I guess it just never accured to me to run away till last night. And when I finally made I my mind that I would leave, I couldn't wait till after school to go. I wanted to get away right then."

My uncle just nodded, not looking away from the road, which I was grateful for. My uncle was driving pretty fast, probably eager to get home and go back to bed. 

"Ahh... Milly...." Uncle Charlie's voice dragged as he began to say whatever was on his mind, his eyes still firmly looking straight ahead. "I know you were probably expecting to be taken back to my apartment but... I sold it and now live in a dorm room at Westford."

He said the last part in a rush. 

Wait..? He sold his apartment? And what about Westford? I knew what that Westford was the school my Uncle ran...

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