The Untouchables, Chapter six

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I knocked on the door that the red haired sectratary, Courtney, had told me belonged to my uncle. It was only nine so I knew he'd still be up.

Uncle Charlie's dorm was set apart from the others, and his white door and beautiful engravings on it, and a brass plaque that said 'Headmaster's Dormitory' in fancing writing. Clearly, he'd saved the ebst dorm for himself.

The door opened, and their stood my uncle, thankfully still wide awake and dressed.

"Milly," He said, calling me by my stupid nick name. "Courtney rang to tell me you were coming." He moved aside to let me in. "Anything I can help you with?"

As I had suspected, Uncle Charlie's dorm was larger than any I'd been in so far. Which was for dorms. His bed was king sized, and I could tell his bathroom was larger and more beautiful than the rest of ours. Some official looking show was on the TV though there was no sound.

"Umm..." was all I could say, trying to think of how best to phrase my dillema. I decided to just spit it out, that would be easiest for both of us. "Zachary just called me."

My Uncle's expression changed from calm to something I couldn't decipher. I saw his bottom eye lid twitch.

"What did he want?" He asked, sounding casual, but too casual, the way Cai had when he asked me about the spiders.

"He wanted me to go home. He just kept yelling and yelling," I told him, remembering how all my friends could here the yelling coming from my cell. Whether they could understand the blurry voice or not didn't matter. Now they knew someone out there hated me. I looked downwards as tears began to fill my eyes.

My Uncle wrapped his arms around me but I felt no comfort.

"If... If he asks mom where you live she'll tell him." I stated. And she would, she would do anything for Zachary, thats something I could never understand. How could she be so emotionaly attached to such a foul man?

"Your mother still thinks I live in my apartment. She has no idea I live here, and neither of them will expect you to be attending this school. Now, did he say anything about Felix? Is he OK?"

I shook my head, comforted by what my uncle had said, but still slightly uneasy. What if Zachary was looking for me when I went out in public? What if I saw him in the supermarket or something?

"No, He never even raised his voice at Felix. He'll be fine." I told Uncle Charlie honestly. I'd never complained about how unfair that was. I was glad Felix got a normal life without abuse.

Uncle Charlie nodded.

"Thats good. If he tries to call you again, don't pick up. If he texts you, delete it. Don't make any contact with him, clear?"

I nodded, staring into my uncles young eyes.

Uncle Charlie was young. Too young to have kids any older than six, probably. How he became principal of a school filled with older, more experienced teachers, I would never know. Maybe it was because he had more devotion to the school than the rest. Maybe it was because he wanted to lead the school, the others didn't, they were quite happy playing their role as teacher. Or maybe he was just better than them.

Right now my uncle looked serious, his frown replacing his usualy happy grin or smirk. His narrow eyes replacing his large playful ones.

I knew he was right, that the best thing to do would be to ignore any attempts at contact he'd make. There wouldn't be any good in reading what he was saying anyway, or listening to him yell.

"But... But what if he's wondering around... I don't know, Walmart of something, while I'm there?" It was a reasonable question, right?

I expected my uncle to try and lighten the mood then, or some thing, he always did that after a while, whether it be him telling me off for sneaking a cookie before they'd caleld down, like when I was six, or tripping over and hurting myself. He'd be angry or worried first, then joking and light.

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