The Untouchables, Chapter eighteen

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It has taken me so long to do this. I am disgusted at how long this has taken, it wont happen again :c

In the week since I haven't been on this story has dropped back about eighthundred spaces on the whats hot list.

Naah, bro. S'all cool.

So Vote!You silly willy's! DDD: 

P.s. Loooove youu.


There was only darkness. It was cold. I could here a dripping noise that echoed off nothing. It circled my, swimming circles in my mind.

I took a hesitant step forward but my foot found no solid ground so I withdrew it, placing it next to my other one once again. I tried again in another direction, to move but all around me there was nothing but nothing.

I felt trapped. Not by the fact that there was no where to go and I could only stay still or fall into who knows where. No, I felt trapped by the darkness. I felt trapped that I knew nothing about where I was, what was happening. I was left in the dark.

Then as I thought that, everything lit up. 

I was in a huge hole in the ground. Like a grave only about three hundred times bigger. I was standing on a mound of dirt and all around me was a sheer drop of at least one hundred metres.

The sky above me was a swirling mixture of grey, black and murderous red.

Though I couldn't have been here long, it felt like I'd been planted on that mound of a long, long time, in the darkness and now it was so suddenly lit up. I could see everything, and though everything was so plain, there was a lot to take in.

Spiraling roots zig zagged in the dirty walls of the hole, the dark clouds above tumbled and moved so swiftly...

And I'd never felt so vulnerable. I'd never felt so sick and scared. 

I was standing on a tall pillar of dirt, in clear view of everything, with nothing to hide behind. No one to hide behind.

Everything I'd ever feared would find me here. I didn't know why I thought that but I did. There was no running away.

The only thing I could do was face it.

I looked around me. Nothing moved aside from the wave of clouds above me and myself, rotating on the spot, investigating my surroundings.

And I would fight it.

I couldn't stay here on this tall tower of dirt waiting to be rescued. I wasn't strong enough to face staying up here alone. I had to run.

Slowly and steadily I sunk down to my hands and knees. Once there I flatened myself over the small surface of the mound and dangled my legs over the sides. And so the journey down the mound began.

The dirty was slippery and soft, it run through my fingers like water while I clutched to it with all my strength, begging not to fall down.

Slowly, always slowly, I began to get lower down, lower down... When the bottom of the hole was not four metres away from me I let go. I could afford to let go now, it would be so much quicker...

I landed on the soft ground beneath... It was so comfortable... Like I could just be swallowed up by it. I don't know why but the sickening feeling in my stomach intensified.

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