The Untouchables, Chapter seventeen

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Oh hey, I forgot to ask this at the end of the last chapter. What do you think she did to make Zachary so agressive? (; I've got this planned out but I'm curious to know what you think<3

Chapter seventeen, Here we gooooo!

Also, If you've ever hear of a game called QWOP then you'll know its possibly the worlds hardest game. For me, it's also addictive. So my record is like, 7.3 metres out of onehundred but I'm getting better(; It's slightly distractign me from this chapter but I'll get it done today, promise <3


"What're we going to do?" I asked him. He'd know. He always knew. He had to know!

"I don't know, Em. I don't know."

I looked between him and Riley. Was he being serious? Zachary knew where I was! What were we going to do about it? I didn't want to leave! 

 Uncle Charlie looked at Riley suspiciously.

"I know." Was Riley's response. He looked wary and angry. It was kind of cute... No. This was serious. I couldn't emphasise enough how serious this was. Zachary knew my location. He was derranged and bent on hurting me. He was my biggest fear. He made up my nightmares.

I rubbed one arm with the other as I stood there, inside my uncles dorm while he deliberated.

"Maybe I should send you somewhere else... Felix too..."

"No!" Riley and I said in perfect synchronization.

My uncle looked torn. I understood that. On one hand there was a man how knew where I was who wanted nothing more than to harm me. I should get out of his way. On the oter hand this was my home now. I loved the people here. My friends, My uncle, The teachers....

"Maybe she should tell Cai, Preston and Reggie. We're her bestfriends. We could protect her! And Felix too! This is a school. No one can just walk in then walk back out with a student. Think of that."

Riley made a good point but... I wasn't sure what the others would think. Would they still want to be my friends if they knew the real reason I was here? They knew something was up but not what that was. What would they think?

No, actually, that was a stupid thought. They were my best friends, they would understand. It would make sense to tell them, too. I was always with them, four fit seventeen year olds. They'd be pretty good protection.

"True... True... Emilia? Would be comfortable telling your friends? Can they keep a secret?" He turned his head to Riley. "How'd you find out anyway?"

 Riley didn't look taken aback, he just said "Emilia told me after she thought she saw him at the mall and started freaking out."

That was true, not one lie was spoken and yet it sounded like I'd told him easily. I peered at my uncle to watch his reaction. He just raised his eyebrows. I saw more to it than that but before I could really start to identify his thoughts he moved on. 

"And Emilia?"

"Yeah, I have no problem telling them and I believe that they will keep it a secret." I told him, staring him in they eye, earnestly.

"Alright then. I shall inform the staff and faculty of our situation. You can go now. Night, Milly." He kissed on the forehead and showed us the door. "I'm trusting your decision."

"Night, Uncle Charlie."

"Night, Sir."

I shot Riley a funny look. Why was he calling my uncle 'sir'? Oh... Right. Sometimes it was only too easy to forget that my funny ol' uncle Charlie was the respected headmaster of the school.

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