The Untouchables, Chapter eight

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I just found out that the name 'Cai' means female in vietnamese, and is most commonly pronounced like "Ky,'

Well, In this story, Cai is pronounced Sigh. Is that understood? Fabulous <3

So that means that Cai, Reggie and Riley can all be girls names D:  

I hope that doesn't make them seem less manly :'

Here's chapter eight x


"We are the TMB party." Reggie said, opening the door for me.

"Thats funny," I commented, slipping into the middle, like I usually did. "Because you've got the same curly hair as him."

"It's election time, we're in the elction line, vote for us and you'll be just fine." He said, ignoring me completely.

"We'll welcome you with cheese and wine, or kill your kids if you decline." Preston joined in, appearing on my right.

"What is it with you people and your singing?" I asked. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. It was as though I'd made friends with the four most musical boys in the whole of Westford. No wonder the music teacher loves them so much. The only problem is because they all love breaking out into song at random times, mainly when we're in the car though, when ever they're in good moods, every assumes I also like to sing as well. Those people, yeah, they'd be wrong.

"We have some things to promise you, We're making buses baby blue, red's so last year, and as for big ben, it's time for you to join twenty ten." Cai said, popping out of now where jumping into the car, sitting on my left.

"Jordan Brown can't break it down." The three boys said together, and as randomly as they'd began, they stopped singing.

"Where's Riley?" Preston said as we sat in the car, buckled up, ready to go, yet not moving. "If he's not here in five seconds I'm getting the front seat."

"He's coming now," Reggie said, sticking his face up against the drivers window and looking out at the figure walking towards the car from the the school's double doors.

"Well, I don't care if he's coming. I'm getting in the front seat. It makes me feel important." Preston said climbing inbetween the front seats instead of opening the door and going the proper way into the passanger seat. You know, because he's normal and all.

Riley climbed into Prestons former seat and shook his hair out of his eyes like he always did.

"What took you so long?" Reggie questioned as he started the engine and ripped out of the school parking lot.

"I ran into Em's uncle." Riley said shrugging. "I reassured him she was going to be safe and all that." he looked directly at me. "I had to tell him nothing, and no one, could hurt her... He seemed really concerned."

I smiled back at Riley. He probably thought he was reassuring my Uncle against Zachary when he said no one would hurt me, but I knew Uncle Charlie was more worried about one of these teenage boys hurting me. They were fine friends to have at school, but what would they be like outside the confines of Westford.

My Uncle didn't know I'd wagged with these boys, several times actually, over the past two months. He didn't know exactly how much time I spent with them, basically every waking hour. They'd become more of my best friends rather than just friends.

"Emilia, I just got a text from my sister and because I'm driving, and to lazy to read it out to you, you can read it yourself."

He handed his phone back to me without taking his eyes off the road, thank god. Reggie seems like the kind of person who would get us killed in a crash...

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