The Untouchables, Chapter four

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My second day at Westford was very unlike the first.

It seemed like every single student in the whole school had appeared to get over the shock of having a girl at there school, living in dorm just like any one of them, and wanted to bombard me with questions.

"Why are you here?" I must have heard a bajillion times. I'd replied with the excuse about Uncle Charlie to everyone who asked.

"Are you single?" I was surprised by the amount of times that question popped up. It was especially uncomfortable coming from the mouths of strangers.

"Yeah," I'd replied awkwardly. People smirked when I told them this, or smiled flirttiously. 

I wasn't used to recieving so much attention and to be honest, I didn't like it. But people insisted on staring, some even acting like we were friends.

This one guy, whom I recognised as the annoying freshman who'd bought attention to my bruises, actually threw his arm around my shoulder. I'd acted on instinct and removed myself from his reach, hiding myself behind my new friends.

After only two periods they'd gotten the message crystal clear, that I didn't like contact let all everyone paying so much attention to me, occasionly touching me or something.

They let me use them as shields when I felt uncomfortable or threatend and Cai if took it upon himself to shadow me whether I went, marching along behind me, dramatically. I think he just like annoying me, to be honest, though I was kind of grateful. I think a lot of people were too intimidated by his appearance to approach me.

During gym, already my least favourite subject, while Cai, Reggie and Preston were running laps for talking in while Coash Pruss was, a guy with sandy blonde hair had walked right up to me and asked if I waned to come to his dorm tonight and have 'some fun'.

Apparently he didn't care that Riley, who stood at least two inches taller than this boy, was standing right beside me, his arms crossed emnacingly. 

I'd rejected the boy awkwardly and ducked behind Riley as the boy got pissed off, even though he didn't physically touch any thing, only stormed off, you could never be sure what an angry person could do. I would know.

And now we were all walking towards the cafeteria, Cai marching slightly ahead of the rest of us.

Today, on the lunch menu, we go to choose between a BLT sandwich or a roast chicken roll. I went with the BLT.

"So," Reggie said, smirking at me as we sat down at their usual table. "Enjoying attention from a whole school of sexy boys?"

I threw a scowl in his direction, not appreciating his sarcastic comment. He knew just as well as the others how much I hated all eyes being on me.

I didn't look away from our table, knowing there'd be flirty winks and smiles flashing in my direction. It was uncalled for! It hadn't be like this yesterday, and I hoped it died down soon. So there was a girl at an all boy school, so what?

"I think all the attention is great," Cai commented, texting with a crooked grin on his face. I knew that smile well enough by now. It was his 'Daniel' smile. He did it whenever he was thinking about Daniel, texting Daniel, or talking about Daniel. So, he smiled like that alot. It was beyond cute how totally into Daniel he was.

I took a large bite out of my BLT. It tasted, like all the food at Westford, delicious. I took another bite without hesitation. Who cared if I looked like a pig? Maybe it would disgust every so much that they'd back off a little.

"Slow down, Emilia," Preston said, watching me eat. "You keep scoffing it down like that and I have no doubt it'll all come right back up. I wouldn't want your sick all over my clothes, now would I?" 

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