The Untouchables, Chapter nine

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Reggie took Kevin away after I'd jumped into who evers arms were closest to me, Preston's. He'd gasped in surprise when I'd wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped but he didn't drop me.

I didn't take my eyes off the big black spider that was Reggie's pet. I don't care if it did nothing to hurt me, I wanted nothing to do with it!

Preston, Reggie, Maddy, Amber, Ruby and Ella laughed at me. Some of the laughs were friendly, like I'd just done something funny, the others were malicious like I'd just made a fool of myself. I could see how angry Ella got when I jumped into Preston's arms. Total jealousy, right there.

I brushed myself off, as If the spider would be able to recognise the scent of dust and come back for me. Could spiders do that? Don't they sense fear or something?

Riley looked pissed off about something as we moved down stairs to met Reggie's parents, I couldn't help but notice. Preston looked like he was in a bright mood, Reggie looked perfectly at ease. Cai had a crooked smile on his face and his phone was in his hands, texting his Daniel.

Maddy had been friendly and bubbly, Ella had been angry and quiet, Amber, the red lipped twin was sour and bitchy, Ruby was friendly and animated.

I didn't trust Ruby.

Reggie had said both the twins were bitches and Amber had proved one half of that statement true, so why should he lie about the other. Unless she'd changed since the last time he'd seen her, that was possible.

 "Reggie!" A woman of about fourty, wearing a velvet red dress said, appearing out of a room we'd just past. She threw her arms around him happily. "Preston! Cai! Riley! And Emilia!"

Did Reggie talk about me to his family or something? It was as though the already had known me for ages. 

"Hey Mrs Evans." Preston and Riley said in unison, before, to my surprise, narrowing their eyes at each other.

"Hello, Matilda, I love that dress," Cai said smiling at the woman in front of us as though she were Cai's own mother.

"Hello," I said politely, smiling at Mrs Evans like everyone else had. She looked as posh as the house did and in comparison to her, I felt underdressed.

"Graham's in the greenhouse, the camelias are coming on splendidly." She said smiling at us all again.

I smiled back at her again. Camelias were flowers, right? Yeah, I'm positive they were. God, why did I get that feeling that in no way was I suited for being around anbody as high class as this woman was?

"Lets go see him," Reggie replied, doubling back in the direction we'd just come from.

I'd expected the green house to be on the ground, and, oh I don't know, green. But I was wrong. Reggie and Mrs Evans lead us up to the third floor of the spectacular house, and onto the open room where a large building made up of multi coloured glass bottles was standing, looking out over a giant backyard. No, it wasn't a yard. It was a meadow rimmed with amazingly beautiful plants. I felt a pang of jealousy. I wished I'd grown up here. It would have made it harder to run away from, but how could you not want to live here?

The moment the glass door opened I was bombarded by the over whelming scent of flowers. I couldn't name most of them, but I knew what the ones in the corner were. Roses. I was allergic to roses.

I took an immediate step back, treading on Amber's toes as I did so.

"Watch it, slut." She sneered pushing me back into the greenhouse were a grey haired man was welcoming everyone in with a booming voice. I tired to smile when he greeted me while staying as far away from the roses as possible.

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