The Untouchables, Chapter twelve

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"Em! You're choking me!" 

Tears flooded down my cheeks. They both tears of horror and happiness in one which was quite confusing on my part.

"Em, seriously, I need to breathe!" 

My arms didn't slacken at all.

"Emilia, let your brother breathe please."

I reluctantly unwrapped my arms from around Felix. I hadn't seen him in two months and he'd already grown to be my height. So what if there was a five year age difference? He was tall for a a twelve year old and I was short for an almost seventeen year old.

Felix had a fit purple bruise on the side of his face. Zachary hadn't been bluffing. This was my fault.

"I'm so happy to see you! I'm so happy! I can't believe he hit you! I'm so sorry, I'm so angry!"

"Emilia... I'm sorry but... That doesn't make any sense," Cai placed a hand on my shoulder, a dramatic look in his eyes. "You've confused as all?"

"Everyone?" Preston answered in a scared tone, playing along. Well this would make a good impresion on my little brother. If they didn't scare the crap out of him. I got the feeling Cai would do that, but Felix had seemed as ease so far.

"She's confused everyone." Cai repeated.

"Even Reggie?"

"Even Reggie. She's confused Everyone!"

"But what about Feli--"


I looked at Felix. I really hoped he liked my friends because I was with them often and I planned on spending a lot more time with him. If he didn't he'd have to deal, but it would still be bad for my brother to be scared of my friends. To my relief Felix was smiling at Cai and Preston.

"I just... Don't worry." I told them. I understood my emotions and I didn't care if they didn't. It was possible to be both angry and happy at once. 

"I wasn't." Cai replied sticking out his tongue. I retaliated by sticking out mine. It was so childish, but thats just how our Friendship was.

My friendship with Cai was different from the others. I could more easily talk to him about things, like Preston, who had calmed his flirting, thank goodness.

"Sure you where, thats why you were carrying on about it." I put my hands on my hips. "Anyway, How did taking Felix go down with Zachary, Uncle Charlie?"

Uncle Charlie rubbed his eyes. He hadn't got much sleep last night, niether had Felix and I. Or Riley and Cai for that matter, seeing as I kept them up, trying to make them distract me. I told Cai that my little brother was coming to live at the school too, but he thought I needed distracting, not because my Felix could be receiving a pounding or that my uncle would get hurt trying to take Felix from Zachary, but because I had cramps I didn't want to focus on. Best excuse yet. Cramps all night long? Thats likely. But Cai didn't seem to think it was odd and if he did he didn't say anything.


"Why wouldn't it go well?" Reggie said from his place my bed, where we'd assembled. Beside him was Riley who was being quiet, probably because he looked like he'd fall asleep in a second. Preston swung around in circles on my desk chair, Felix, Cai and I sat on the floor infront of the bed and my uncle leaned against my desk.

"Don't interupt me, Reggie." My uncle said. He was in a bad mood, probably from lack of sleep but I was sure he wouldn't to let me and Felix reunite before he led Felix to his bedroom then went to bed.

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