The Untouchables, Chapter seven

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"Lets go in here," I suggested, pointing at any random shop, anything to stop Cai's wandering. This was my first time in a mall at Massachusettes and Cai was ruining it for me. He'd dissed every single shop I''d wanted to go into. After a while Preston and Reggie had left our group to get something to eat, leaving me alone with Cai and Riley.

Riley didn't seem to want to go into any shops either, but then, he wasn't the reason we were here was he? No, the reason we were here didn't even know what he wanted to do.

Everytime I asked Cai what he needed he'd say something sarcastic, like a million dollars or something. To be honest I think he just wanted to wag for the sakes of wagging.

"No way, do I look homeless to you? I'm sure the owners are nice people but untill they take that five dollar yellow dress out of the window I won't step foot in there."

I looked up at Cai's towering figure as he placed on hand on his hip, and scorned the shop, which didn't look as bad as he was making it sound. So what if it had an ugly dress in the window? He was just being picking and spoilt.

It had become clear to me soon after arriving at Westford that it was a pretty pricey school, and that most of the students came from rich families, used to having the best of things. Infact, thats why Reggie had his own dorm, because his parents had more money than any of the other students there and wanted to prove it.

Cai wore his uniform exactly as it was meant to be worn, something that no one did, even during school hours. He wore his shihrt tucked in, buttoned up, tie straight, woolen jumper over it, blazer over the top, grey pants neat. The only thing not mention in the uniform book where his black and red high tops, something he always wore. He looked totally snobbish and prep. And it worked for him. It made him look edgy and dangerous, like he really didn't care if people thought he was a snob. It worked.

Riley wore his uniform different to Cai, shirt untucked, tie loose, no blazer or woolen jumper. And that worked for him too, he looked far more comfortable this way then he did with his uniform done up properly. This worked for him too. Once again, I couldn't help noticing that my four friends were too goodlooking for me to hang around with.

"Aren't you hungry or something?" I asked as we passed yet another little cafe. Smelling cakes and coffee every five minutes as we passed a cafe was actually making me hungry, depsite the waffles I'd had for breakfast this morning.

Cai looked down at his flat stomach and patted it gently. He sighed.

"No, I really shouldn't stuff myself."

"Are you a guy or not?!" I asked. Cai took his role as gay to a whole new level. He really was a female at heart. "Shouldn't you be 'happy with yourself' whether your super skinny or not?"

Riley just rolled his eyes.

"I'm happy at this weight, thanks Emilia," Cai replied, looking down at me.

"But you're a seventeen year old guy! You eat a burger, you burn it off, thats how it works!"

"You really want to argue about whether or not I have a burger?"

I glared up at Cai, who glared right back down. My green eyes met his brown ones and narrowed. He was stubborn. Well guess what, Cai? So am I.

Like a dog, it was as if Cai's ears suddenly perked up, he looked around hime eagerly. This time I heard what he'd heard before me.


I looked around to see a man, probably twenty years old, waving towards him. This man was, if possible, taller than Cai, with a slight amount of facial hair. He had to large straches in both his ears, and his hair was short and brown. Even from this distance I could see how his face was beaming so brightly at the sight of Cai.

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