The Untouchables, Chapter fifteen

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The room I woke up to was dark, and at first I could see nothing at all. I couldnt hear anything except for breathing.

My eyes widened and I looked around the dark room, which was becoming clearer as my eyes adjusted, though I still could only make out sillhouettes of shapes. The breathing was not only mine but other peoples too though I couldn't see them. Where was I and who was there? How come I have no memory of anything? 

I could only remember up to where two nurses were dragging Preston and Riley away from me at Cai's party but even that memory was a little hazey... Why wasn't I stil at Cai's party.

"Twelve. Thats three days, officially." A voice breathed near me. I relaxed slightly when I recognised the voice as Cai's.

My whole torso was aching, alongsie my throat and shoulders. How come? Where were Cai and I? What was he talking about?

"It's my fault." A nearly inaudible voice whispered, closer to me than Cai yet still quieter by far. It was Riley's voice. Ten times more quiet than usual. His voice was saturated with pain. Was he hurt or something? Why was it so dark? I wanted to see him!

I tried to speak but nothing came out, my throat was throbbing so painfully.

"She's dead, isn't she?" Riley asked in an even quieter voice than before. "My fault."

I tried to lift an arm but my shoulder screamed in protest. I just couldn't move or speak. Riley sat there, thinking I was dead and no one was telling him any different while I sat here, concious of what was going on yet not being able to do a damned thing about it.

"It's not your fault, bro." I heard Reggie's voice say in comfort. His voice was the furthest away yet.

"She's not dead!" Another voice, Preston's, protest. Had he noticed my eyes were open? Could he notice? Was it too dark to notice? God, where was I?

But my eyes were closing again, they were so heavy... I wasn't tired, but I still couldn't keep my eyes open.

Somewhere near me, a door opened and light streamed into the room. I looked through my eye lashes and would have gasped if it wasn't for my rasping throat.

I was in a hospital. A clock on the wall said it was five past midnight.

Riley and Preston sat to my left, right next to the bed rails, Cai sat just a little behind them, and Reggie leaned against the window, right at the back of the ward.

My uncle stood in the doorway, his eyes grim.

"The doctor says that when she wakes up she may be in so much pain that she may fall in and out of conciousness. The best thing to do is to put her into an induced coma."

Preston and Riley swapped looks while Cai frowned.

"How would that be best?"

"It would save her a lot of pain, that for sure. Broken ribs and colar bones don't just heel over three days, and I already know Emilia's body rejects pain med."

What? I didn't want to be put into an induced coma! I could handle the pain! The suspense would kill them, I was sure of it. Would I pull through, or wouldn't I? Its enough to drive any normal person insane.

I had to fully open my eyes, I ahd to move, I had to show them I was OK.

"If the car had flipped onto her side she'd be OK." 

None of us missed the accusation in Preston's voice. None of us missed who his comment was aimed at. Poor Riley. Preston was being a jerk. I looked through my eyelashes at him.

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