The Untouchables, Chapter eleven

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Well, I've had a friend staying at mine, then she went home, but it was the AFL grandfinal and I went to watch it somewhere with no wifi,

+I have a hula hooping obsession, and I practice a bajillion times a day. 

+++I've started a new story, that might be kind of distracting? It's called Oliver, you should totally check it and recommend it (; <3

Thats my excuse for not uploading sincee... Thursday?

Anyway, Chapter eleven, honey's <3


It was dark when I opened my eyes. They were heavy but once I'd managed to pry them apart, they stayed that way. My neck was stiff and my scalp was prickling. Though it must be sometime in the night, I could still here so much laughter coming from Maddy's room. How anyone could sleep through that, I didn't know.

I tried to snuggle down into my blankets, I was uncomfortable where I was, propped up on a fair few pillow, but found I couldn't. For some bizzare reason I couldn't move down without my scalp prickling. I couldn't remember how'd I gotten into bed or anything from before we started watching Due Date.

I tried turning my head but that only cause more pain to the top of my head. I raised my hands to my head.

I was too tired to really be confused by what I felt. I felt my hair, spun together into three plaits, pulled tightly and tied to the bed head.

I sighed. The laughter made sense. This was Ella's, Amber's and maybe even Ruby's and Maddy's doing. 

It wasn't very original. They'd clearly gotten the idea from the Spiderwick Chronicles. 

Then I realised I was stuck, and this was probably the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me.

I crawled upwards, towards the bed head, so that my hair wasn't pulled so tightly and began an internal debate.

I could start yelling for help, or I could try an undo it myself. 

The later sounded better to me, so I did.

I ripped at my hair, I tried to untie it from the bedhead with patience, impatience, everything. Each tug stung and hurt. This was so stupid!

I felt tears of agitation and frustration fill my eyes. Why would they do this to me? How did they do it without me waking up? This was ridiculous!

I looked around and frowned as I spotted a pair of scissors next to my pillow. It was obvious what their plan was. Make me cut my hair, or embarrass my self yelling out for help. Smart little bitches. This was messed up.

I looked at the door, listened to this hysterical laughter, and looked at the scissors, cutting the edges off wouldn't hurt...

I raised the scissors the ends of my hair, tied around the wrought iron bed head and snipped them off. Just as the door opened.

"Emilia! I am so so so so sorry!" Maddy gushed, running to my bed and untwisting my hair. "They only just told me about their plan and wouldn't let me passed to come help you! I'm so sorry! Ruby won't ever be invited here again."

"Ruby?" I asked, looking sadly at my unevenly cut hair. "I thought it might have been Amber or Ella..."

"Nope. Ruby masterminded this and Amber always goes with whatever her sister says, and Ella already hated you for being so close to Preston... I'm so sorry... Let me even it up..."

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