The Untouchables, Chapter five

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I could barely pay attention to Cai reliving his date with Daniel last night. I was too destracted by the brown scab that was growing over his bottom lip. It looked so painful and irritating.

Everytime I passed Chase in the hall, everytime I saw his bruised face, I thought about what he did to Cai I felt my face grow red with anger.

Cai insisted that he's going to get it re-peirced ones the scab heals into a scar. No one had found his lip ring, as no one'd remembered to pick it up after the fight. Anyway, I'm sure it wouldn't have been hygenic to use a lip ring that had been on the ground in a cafeteria.

According to the rumours that were spreading about the fight, Chase had thrown the first punch but had ended up running from Cai in fear. I was OK with this rumour. Anything to make that foul bastard look bad.

Preston had some badly bruised ribs much to his delight, which I didn't understand at all till it was time for gym.

"The nurse said I shouldn't be running or excersing for a while," Preston said, placing his hands over his ribs and faking a wince in pain. "It still hurts..."

Coach Pruss had told him that was what comes out of fighting, but let him off anyway. 

And of course, we all had our detentions to look forward to. Goodie. I'd earned my first detention on my second day at school, almost three days ago, as it was Friday now.

"But he gave me a violet, not a rose, whats that supposed to mean? Which is better?"

"Ugh," I replied. "I hate roses. I'm allregic."

"Hey, thats cool. I'm allergic to honey. Anyway, so Daniel was all like..."

I tuned him out, looking around the corridor. I still couldn't remember who is in which dorm, so it was a good thing Cai was with me, others I'd end up face to face with some random guy instead of one of my four friends.

I stopped outside the dorm three doors down from mine. This was Preston's right? I wish Cai would shut p for five seconds and tell me if I had the right room, but he was too busy describing what he wore to pay attention.

"Cai," I said, trying to get him to come back down to earth. "Is this Preston's dorm?"

"---But with a magenta trim, it showed off my creative side, without attracting too much attention, I wanted my night with Daniel to be private---"

"Cai." I repeated, tugging on the sleve of his BVB shirt that he wore well with grey skinny jeans and red and black nike hightops that matched his hair. "Hello? Is this the right room?"

"---She was wearing ugg boats, on a date! I was glad Daniel had the class to wear actual shoes, unlike that---"


Cai looked down at me confused. "Yes, Milly?" 

"Is this Preston's room?" I sighed, gesturing to the white door infront of us. I really hoped Cai wouldn't go back to describing his date in so much detail. I mean, it was nice to hear about his dates with Daniel, and they sounded so cute together though I'd never actually met the man of Cai's dreams, but seriously. Who cares about what the girl at the table next to them had on her feet?

"Yes, And mine and Riley's is two down from Reggie's which is across from yours. How could you not have remembered?"

"We don't all a photographic memories." I snapped back at him, rapping my knuckles against the door, waiting for Preston to answer.

The door opened and Preston's shaggy dark haired head stuck out, seeing it was us, he opened the door wide enough for us to slip in. 

Reggie and Riley were sitting on Preston's bed with his room mate, Liam, watching a movie intently. 

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