The Untouchables, chapter sixteen

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I know, I know. I havent been uploading! Well what do you think i'm doing now, punk? I've been distracted in the most beautful way... <3

Spolier alert! I have no idea if you've seen paranormal activity 2 or not but I kind of spoil it for you if you haven't. Can you live with that, darling?

BTW, Paranormal Acitvity Three trailor is there ------------------> Or somewhere on that side anyway. Careful not to piss yourself (;


chapter sixteen


I got discharged from the hospital earlier than expected by anyone. My body hadn't accepted any pain killer so I couldn't move around for the majority of my stay in hospital. On the bright side, lack of morphene had caused an increase in the rate that my body healed at.

I also found out that alot of Westford were under the impression I'd been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. I sometimes really worry about the way gossip gets around at my school. Seriously.

Riley was always hushed, as though silence would make us forgive him, though there was nothing to forgive; We'd found out it was the car that had been faulty, the accelerate had gotten stuck. Everyone so convinced it was just a stuff up that happened at the wrong time. I was sure it was the doing of someone. On purpose. I had my suspicions about Zachary... Yet Riley still blamed himself. 

Cai was upset that I'd come out worst of all, but was pleased with himself for managing to throw a rager so good it got me drunk at the very first party I'd ever been too. He didn't remember much be he still called it 'Best Party Ever'.

Reggie and Preston had made it their mission in life to pretend nothing had happened that night aside from a kick-ass party, and I was OK with that. It was surprising how easy it was to pretend I hadn't been in hospital for the last week, even if rumors that I'm an out of control alcoholic followed me around. I didn't mind that though. If they all knew that I'd been hospitalised for because of a car accident I'd been in while Riley was behind the wheel he'd feel a million times as guilty. Would other boys give him shit about it? No, I'd cope with the alco rumor.

"Welcome back," Teachers greeted me as I walked into their classes. By the expressions on their faces I doubted they knew the truth behind my absence and only had gossip to go by, like everyone else. Well that would have to be set straight. I didn't want the teachers thinking my uncle's sister had raised some alcoholic maniac.

 "Thanks," I'd reply then hurry to take my seat by one of my friends, followed by a sea of curious and familiar faces.

Felix had been happy to see me back on my two feet. He'd visited just about everyday along with my uncle. I was happy to see him, too. I highly doubted I'd ever forgive myself from taking away Zachary's punching bag thus leading to him being abusive to his step-son.

Felix had been raised as Zachary's own biological son and for a long time he believed it till I burst out the truth on day at the dinner table in front of him. I had a scar to prove I'd done it too.

"Mill, I started school at Downson Middle School and I've made heaps of friends--" I listened patiently till he got it all out. For a twelve year old he was more like an eight year old. At least to me anyway. He'd always be my baby brother.

"Thats great, Fel, really. What have you learnt so far?"

"Uh... Nothin'." Typical.

"Gotta girlfriend?" 

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