The Untouchables, Chapter thirteen

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Thirteen already, siiigh,

I took down Oliver. Lets face it, I wasn't happy with it and thats never a good thing. I already have another idea sprouting in my head though, so calm your little farms, loves.

Chapter Thirteen


I rolled over and flung my arm out feeling the warm bed beneath my fingers. Yet I wasn't comfortable and knew exactly why. I was lying on something hard and long.

I rolled over back in the other direction hoping that whatever was underneath me would be moved out of the way by my actions. It didn't but at least I found out what it was.


I fell off my own bed with a bump loud enough to wake up the whole corridor of sleeping people, but luckily I didn't even wake up Riley whos arm I'd just been laying on, probably numbing it, mainly because I landed on something or someone that made a noise like air ruching from a balloon.

"Nice of you to drop in. I'm kidding. Its not nice at all. Get you ass off me." Cai complained.

"Cai!" I complained. "Why were you laying on my floor? And why was I asleep on Riley?"

Cai looked amused as he brushed his red flecked hair out of one chocolate eye, he grinned at me happily as I wiggled of him.

"Well first of all I was tired so I decided to go to sleep where ever I dropped and secondly, You were alseep on Riley because thats were you put yourself. I think its cute to be honest, nothing like a piece of Riley to get you aroused in the morning."

"I am going to pretend you didn't just say that about your bestfriend to me. I fear for you, Cai. I really and truly do. God bless you."

"God loves gays. Thats a scientificly proven fact."

"No offence, but how is that scientificly proven?"

"I wasn't offend till you said no offence. That comment is just plain rude."


"Emilia. You have such a pretty name. Em. Milly. Milia. Emi, Emily, the possibilities are endless!"

"Actually thats about all you can do with my name."

"How about Lia?"

I groaned and sat back down on my bed, careful not to sit on any part of Riley as he spread out across my bed.

Cai's eyes sparkled mischieviously as I turned back from Riley to face him. His re-pierced scarred lip spread across his face till his lip ring was straining, probably bashing against his teeth. His perfectly plucked eyebrows were raised pretty high, their piercing also straining.

"What?" I asked in an unamused tone. To be honest I had no idea what he was so happy about. Well that was Cai for you. 

"You and Riley both talked in your sleep all day." 

I was moe surprised that I'd slept all day than that I'd been talking in my sleep. That was nothing unusual. But as I looked out my bedroom window I saw that he was correct. It was pitch dark out here.

"Why's it so light in here?" I asked him. He responded by pointing to the floor beside him where my phone lay face up, lit up, illuminating the room. "I've got a text." I stated picking the phone up.

You've taken both my boxing bags from me.

I know where you are and I'm not holding back.

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