The Untouchables, Chapter twenty

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Do a chick a favour. Four Nights. Thats right! New story,  BRO! Great feeling about it, so you know what to do! And if you don't, let me tell you. Read it. Vote for it. Comment on it. Thats right(;

So, we've reached chapter twenty <3 Oh, Twenty Chapters ago I thought this story would only get about about eighty votes tops when it was finished. its more than I could have asked for, so thank you voters <3 My love goes out to you guys :D

Chapter Twenty! I'll try and make it long... Or longer than usual <3


It was actually pretty warm today. And by warm I mean I was sweating and probably looked like I must have ran laps of the park or something. I wiped my forhead with my hand and looked at the sweat glisten in the harsh sun. It was way too hot and now I was embarrassingly sweaty too. Fabulous.

"Yuck, Mill." Felix said, while giving the 's'up?' nod to several passing girls. Since when is my little brother such a ladies man?

"Would it kill you to act like a twelve year old while we bond instead of a sixteen year old?"

"Well someone's gotta act like the mature one."

"Hitting on girls twice your age isn't being mature. And I act my age. No, I act like a seventeen year old." I said, puffing out my chest, proudly as we walked along a path that wound into a group of large trees in the small park near Westford.

Deep down I felt a spark of excitment. It was my seventeenth birthday in only two weeks, and though I didn't want everyone to be so drunk that they passed out, like at Cai's killer rager. I wouldn't mind if the few people I invite to wherever my parties going to be had some fun. 

And who would I invite aside from the obivous four. If there was going to be alcohol Uncle Charlie and Felix couldn't come for obvious reasons... I'd just have to discuss this some other time with my uncle.

"Why don't we get something to drink... Other than your perspiration." Felix joked, leading me away from the tree's and towards a hotdog stand that was also selling bottled water and coke.

"I have no money." I told him honestly. Uncle Charlie didn't give me pocket money and I didn't have a job.

"I got you covered, sis." Felix pulled a brown leather wallet out of his pockets and opened it to reveal planty of crips bills.

So I didn't have a cent and my baby brother had how much?

"Where did you get that?" I asked in disbelief. Felix was already shoving seven dollar bills in the cartakers outstretched hand and passig me a bottle of moutain spring water.

"Hey, Zachary liked me..." He started out in a joking tone then realised what he'd said. Subconciously both our hands slowly crept up to our cheeks simaltaniously.

I looked at my brother. Was he hurting? Did he see Zachary around every corner? Did he miss mum? Did he wish I hadn't left so he could still be at home in ignorance? I didn't know my brother. I didn't know what he was thinking and I couldn't tell. I felt the need for some closure.

"Fel. What happened once I left?" I asked quietly as we began walking along the path again. "What was it like?"

Felix looked away from me for a moment, watching the little kids run around the swing set, being chased by their loving parents. When he turned to face me his normally cheey face was serious to the point it was basically blank.

"Bad. He woke me up on the first night, yelling at nothing in particular. He didn't even try to hide his anger. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but... Well I'm sure you know what he's like when he yells. Better than the rest of us I'm sure. After a while he starting leaving for hours on end, spending the whole day away. Mum and I think he was out getting drunk or something, because he always came back in the worst mood."

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