Inauguration Day

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    "Ah Christ, Jackie!" Jack grumbled standing next to Irene.
    "You know she looks fine. I don't know why she's flipping out," Irene said smoothing her powder blue coat.
    "This is Jacqueline you're talking about," Tom said.
    "Tell me about it," Jack laughed.
    Just then, Jackie began descending the stairs. She looked beautiful in her white coat and matching pillbox hat. Caroline and John-John were staying with a nanny for the day.
    "I'm ready," Jackie said smiling.
    "Finally," Jack sighed.
    They arrived at the Capitol and went to meet the Eisenhowers. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Eisenhower," Irene said shaking her hand.
    "It's my pleasure to meet you too. I've heard you're an excellent little campaigner."
    "Thank you," Irene giggled.
    Irene then shook the President's hand, "It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. President."
    He shook her hand, "Congratulations. You and your family should be very proud."
    Irene smiled as the rest of the family shook hands. Finally, the moment of the Inauguration arrived. After Jack was inaugurated, they made their procession down Pennsylvania Avenue and eventually made it into the Whitehouse.

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