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    His eyes seemed to flood with emotion . He looked like he was crying, but it didn't appear to be a sad cry. He lifted his left arm and wrapped it around Irene. She bent over and hugged him tightly. The next moment Jack walked into the room, "Aren't you breaking the rules?" she asked.
    "I'm the damn president. I'd like to see who's going to stop me."
    Irene laughed and Joe grinned. "Great attitude, Dad."
    Rose then walked in the room, "Do you two mind giving us a moment alone?"
    Jack grabbed Irene's hand and they exited the room. As they were waiting, Jack pulled Irene into a private waiting room and he began to cry. "What's wrong?"
    "My dad..." he sobbed.
    Jack's head rested on Irene's should as he cried uncontrollably.
    "Dad, I know you pretty well. You're not falling apart like this just because of Pops. He's still alive. Things are just going to be different. That's all. What else is wrong?"
    "Jackie and I have been having some problems."
    "Not again, Dad," Irene sighed.
    "I'm afraid she thinks I've been cheating again."
    "Why does she think that?"
    "I don't know, Irene, but she's threatening to divorce me."
    "The hell she will. We didn't work this hard to get you here for her to divorce you and completely screw the chances of you getting reelected in '64."
    "I haven't cheated on her. I swear on my life. I know I was a player while we were dating, but I've changed."
    "I know, Dad."
    "Where are her and the kids right now?"
    "Camp David. They haven't been home all week."
    "Well, Dad. You don't need to be by yourself. You could've come over to our part of the White House."
    "It's alright. Right now all that matters is Dad."
    "I know."
    They walked back toward Joe's room and saw Rose standing outside, "He's resting. Why don't you two go back to the compound and come tomorrow when he's feeling a little better?"
    Irene agreed as she had grown very tired. As they walked out of the hospital , Jack said, "Are you hungry?"
    "I'm starving."
    "I am too. What would you like to eat? Clint, would you like anything in particular?" Jack asked his favorite secret service agent that was following behind them.
"What about Pizza Hut?" Clint asked.
"That sounds fantastic, Clint," Irene replied looking behind her.
They continued walking with the rest of the secret service following behind them. Jack and Irene climbed into the backseat of their car with Clint driving and Paul in the passenger seat. The four of them went into the Pizza Hut first with the others following behind. "Paul, Clint; could you possibly let us sit alone?"
"Absolutely, Irene," Clint responded.
Irene and Jack sat down at a corner booth away from everyone and ordered a thin crust pepperoni pizza and bread sticks. "Dad, I was going to wait to tell you this, but I think you need some good news."
"I do need some good news."
"Dad, I'm having a baby."
Jack nearly spit out the sip of Coke he had in his mouth. "I'm going to be a grandfather?" he asked quietly.
"You are."
Jack smiled and stood. He walked over to her side of the booth. He then bent over to hug and kiss Irene. "Congratulations, kiddo."
"Thanks. Dad."
"So when will we have a new little one running around?"
"April 5th."
After they finished their pizza and got a box to take the leftovers back to the compound, they headed to the compound. When they arrived, Teddy and Bobby attacked them for their leftovers. "You would've thought these damn animals had never eaten before."
Irene laughed at her father and then she headed to bed. As she was walking up the stairs, Bobby caught up with her. "Hey there, kiddo."
Irene turned to look at him and suddenly felt dizzy, "Uncle Bobby!" she exclaimed falling into his arms. He caught her and sat down on the steps as everything went dark for Irene.

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