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    "Jack!" screamed Bobby as he lifted  Irene's limp body and carried her down the stairs, "Teddy! Ethel! Someone! Where the hell are you?"
    Bobby held onto Irene and went onto the front porch where everyone was sitting.   
    "What the hell happened?" Jack yelled jumping out of his seat.
    "We were walking up the stairs and she passed out. Let's go. You drive."
    "Clint!" yelled Teddy.
    Clint came running from his post and they left. Clint was driving while Bobby told him where to go. Jack sat in the back holding a wet rag on Irene's forehead. "Come on, Irene. Don't do this to me," Jack said through tears.
    Irene's eyes fluttered open, "Dad, what's happening?" she asked terrified.
     "Are you alright?"
     "I don't know. I feel really weak."
     Jack kissed her forehead as the car sped to the hospital. When they arrived, Rose Kennedy saw them. "Rene! What's wrong?"
      Jack held Irene in his arms as he ignored the pain shooting from his low back all the way down his right leg. "Help!" he yelled as Bobby went to Rose's side. 
      A nurse came to Jack's aid and put Irene in a wheelchair, "Any health conditions we should know about?"
     "She's pregnant and she's been anemic all of her life."
      "Okay. We'll take good care of her Mr. President."
      "Thank you," Jack said quietly walking toward his mother and brother.
      "Why'd she faint?" Rose asked.
      "She's pregnant," Jack said quietly.
       Bobby put his hand over his mouth. Teddy came up behind them with Paul. Clint had been standing near Jack the whole time. "I called Tom."
      "Is he coming?" Jack asked.
       "He said he's going to wait because it'll take him so long to get here. Jack, he said he's not worried because she been having low blood pressure with the..."
        "Out with it, Ted," Jack said tersely.
       "She's been having problems with low blood pressure during the pregnancy. I'm sorry, Jack. She should've been the one to tell you."
      "She did."
      After Jack paced for twenty minutes, a doctor came out of Irene's room, "Mr. President, your daughter's fine. She had low blood pressure that she's going to have to watch more carefully and she needs to talk to her doctor about increasing her iron supplements, but she will be just fine."
      "Call Tom," Jack sighed with relief as he followed the doctor into her room, "Hey, kiddo."
      "I feel like an ass," she said groggily.
      "It's alright. I'm usually the one that pulls these stunts."
      "I'm sorry."
       He hugged her, "You scared the hell out of me, kiddo."
       "You don't need to be scared. I'll always be here for you."

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