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     The next few days were nerve wracking, but eventually, Bobby was released and they all flew back to D.C.
When they arrived back at the White House, Irene's children ran to her screaming, "Mommy!"
"Hi, my babies! Were you good for Mrs. Shaw?"
They nodded and Irene smiled, "Well then, I suppose I owe you that trip to the soda shop."
The children smiled broadly as Irene began walking towards Clint whom stood by the door, "Can we arrange for a trip to the soda shop?"
     "Sure thing, Irene."
     "Oh, and Clint?"
     "Can you pick me up a handkerchief? I owe a man I met at the hospital one of them."
     "Absolutely," he smiled at Irene and then went to arrange the outing.
     The next day, Clint handed Irene a bag, "Here you go. I happened to a have an brand-new, extra one at home."
    "Thank you, Clint."
     Irene carried the bag back into her quarters and put in in a Manila envelope with a note that read:
Mr. Callahan,
Thank you for you kindness while I was struggling at the hospital. The world needs more people like you!
With much gratitude,
Irene O'Hara
     After sealing the envelope, she handed it to Clint and he said he would make sure it was sent.
    A few weeks later, Ethel stopped by the White House with a letter for Irene, "This came for you at our house."
    Irene smiled when she saw where t was from, "Thanks, Aunt Ethie. Please don't say anything to anyone else."
     "I won't... Under one condition. Who's this gentleman?"
     "I met him at the hospital and I sent him a handkerchief to replace his that I used."
     Ethel grinned and left Irene to tear into the letter which read:
Miss Irene,
It was so very nice of you to send me a handkerchief. I'm going to be in the States again this month. Maybe we could meet again at your convenience. Phone me, if at all possible.
      Following his name was a telephone number. Irene dashed to her phone and entered the number, "Hello!" said a familiar voice.
     "Mr. Callahan? It's Irene."
     "Irene! Thank ya for the package."
     "You're very welcome. When will you be in the states?"
     "I'm going to be in Arlington, Virginia. Would you like to meet?"
    "Sure. Let's meet at Luigi's. I love very close to Arlington."
    "I'll meet you there July 8th?"
    "Sounds like a plan. I'll see you soon, Irene."
    Irene couldn't help, but smile. She ran into her closet to find an outfit to wear for her meeting with Marty one week from that day.

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