The First of Many

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The first year in the White House passed quickly and soon Christmas was approaching. One evening while Tom and Irene were enjoying dinner together, the phone rang. Irene dashed from the kitchen to the dining room to answer it. "Hello?" she said playing with the black wire attached to the phone.
       "Irene, it's Dad," his voice sounded urgent.
      "Is everything alright, Dad?" she asked running a hand across her stomach.
      "No. Meet me in the entrance in ten minutes with a suitcase. Pops is in the hospital."
       Irene quickly hung up the phone and ran into the bedroom. She began throwing clothes in her suitcase. Tom walked in a moment later, "What's wrong?"
      "Pops is in the hospital. Dad and I are taking Air Force One to Hyannis Port, I think."
       "Ire, be careful, alright?" Tom said placing a hand on Irene's tiny baby bump.
       "I will, Tom. I love you," she said kissing his cheek.
       "I love you too."
      She grabbed her suitcase and ran out the door making sure her shirt wasn't clinging to her stomach, as no one else knew about the baby. When she made it to the entrance, Jack was standing there. He grabbed her hand and they left the White House. On the plane ride, Jack fidgeted. "Dad, it's going to be alright."
      Jack smiled weakly. A little while later they got off of the plane and were driven to the hospital. When they arrived, Rose was standing in the hall crying, "Gram!" Irene ran to her, "How is he?"
       "Rene, he had a stroke. They said he'll never speak again."
       Jack walked up behind them, "Never again?"
       Rose shook her head. Jack's eyes filled with tears as he slumped down into a chair. He hid his face with his hands as he cried. A few moments later, the doctor came out and invited them to go see Joe one at a time. "Rene, go first."
       Irene stood and walked into the room slowly. Although his mouth was drooping slightly on one side, he seemed to smile at her. "Hey, Pops. Are you feeling alright?"
      He nodded as tears began to fall from his eyes, "Don't cry," she said trying to soothe him, "Pops, I have good news for once." His eyes seemed to brighten. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach, "Pops, I'm having a baby."

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