Burning Bridges

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      After the holidays had ended, the winter seemed to last for years until the first day of spring came in March. Jackie was at Camp David with the children while Irene, Tom, and Jack remained at the White House. "Hello?" Irene said knocking on the door of the Oval Office after sneaking past Mrs. Lincoln and persuading Clint to let her go into the office.
"Come in," her father's voice answered.
She opened the door and walked in the office. Tom and Bobby were sitting across from Jack. "Hey, kiddo," Bobby said standing to hug Irene, "I haven't seen you for awhile. How are you feeling?"
"I'm doing very well. How's Aunt Ethie?"
"She's good; busy as ever with the kids."
"I'm sure."
"What's up, kiddo?" Jack asked. His face, Irene saw, was drained and he looked very aged.
"I was just coming down to see if someone special would like to go on a date with me tonight."
"I'm sorry, Irene," Tom said, "Bob and I have a date with all this paperwork."
"Not you goofball- Mr. President over there."
"I would love to go on a date with you tonight. Say we meet in the main corridor around six?"
"Sounds lovely. I'll see you then."
    "What should I wear?"
    "Jeans and a Bruins t-shirt. We're going for pizza and a movie."
    "I'll have my Secret Service dress in plain clothes too."
    "Sounds good."
    Irene went upstairs to change for her date which would take place in an hour. She dressed in a pair of tan pants that were tailored around the ankle and a loose fitting, long-sleeved white shirt with a pair of brown flats. As planned, she walked downstairs and met Jack promptly. "Well, what movie are we going to see?"
    "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence."
    "We don't have to see a Western."
    "No, I want to. I wanted to see it, but Tom already saw it with his friends."
"Well, alrighty then."
Jack and Irene left the house and climbed into a what Irene referred to as their "casual car". Clint got in the front seat with Paul while other agent followed in their cars. When they arrived at the movie theatre, Jack and Irene made it inside without being noticed. After the movie ended, they walked out and went to the pizza shop next to the theatre. They were taken to a private room where they were left alone to talk while their pizza was being naked. "So why is Mom at Camp David?"
"I haven't a clue."
"Has it been bad lately?"
"Irene, I know in the past I was the husband from hell, but I've changed since you, Caroline, and John came along. I haven't been that man for a couple of years now."
       "Dad, it takes longer to build bridges than to burn them."

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