A Meeting

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    The doctor came in and was floored that Bobby was awake and speaking. While the doctor was in the room, Irene walked down the coffee machine. As she picked up her coffee cup, a wave of emotion overcame her. She hadn't thought of Tom as much when she was worrying about Bobby, but now she was. She was thinking about him and all of the blood that had covered her as his life slowly left his body. She began to cry and as she shook, she spilled coffee on herself, "Damn it!" she muttered.
    She felt a hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright, lass?" said a man with a thick Irish brogue.
    "I'm fine," Irene sniffled.
    "You seem to be a wee bit upset," he said offering her his handkerchief.
    "Thank you," she smiled weakly, "What are you doing here in California? You sound like you're from Ireland."
     "I am. Born and raised just outside of Dublin. I'm a reporter in Ireland and they sent me here to cover something in the Mouse Land or whatever it's called."
     "Disney?" Irene laughed.
     "That's it!" he snapped his fingers.
     "So what brings you to this hospital?"
    "I got lost and stopped here for directions to my hotel in Rodent World."
    Irene laughed, "What's your name?"
   "Martin Callahan, but everyone calls me Marty," he offered his hand.
    As Irene shook his hand, she replied, "Irene O'Hara."
   "An Irish lass, eh?"
   "Yes indeed. Well, it was nice to meet you, Mr. Callahan. Oh, and write down your address so I can send you a new handkerchief."
    "You don't... Well, if you insist," he replied as he scribbled down an address.
    "Good day, Irene."
    "Good day, Mr. Callahan."

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