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While Irene cooked a meal for her family, as they didn't have a chef, Tom and Jack planned the trip to Dallas the coming weekend. As Irene began to bake cookies, the phone rang, "Hello?" she said picking up the telephone off of the receiver.
    "It's Tom. Your mom and dad want to come for dinner tonight. Is that alright?"
    "That's fine. I made plenty!"
    "Alright, we'll see you later then."
    Tom, Jack, Jackie, Caroline, and John came into the O'Hara's quarters for dinner. "Hey, sissy!" Caroline said hugging Irene.
    "Sissy!" John-John exclaimed.
    "Hi there!"
    "Where are Josie and Katie?" Caroline asked.
    "They're in the playroom. Why don't you go see them?"
    Caroline and John made a dash for the playroom. Jackie then hugged Irene, "I'm so happy for you and Tom."
    "Thank you." Irene finished their spaghetti dinner and the two families sat down to eat.
     "I'm dreading this Dallas trip. Pass the rolls, please," Jack said.
     "Are you going, Irene?" Jackie asked.
     "I can if you want me to. I know you're dealing with things right now. I'd be honored to go in your place."
     "You can even wear the knock-off Chanel I got from my designer in New York."
     "Sweet!" Irene said, "Tom, are you going?"
     "I'm not sure, Ire."
     Irene nodded her head and then continued chatting with her parents and husband. When they left, Tom and Irene put the kids to bed.
      Eventually, the day came for the trip to Dallas.  Tom had decided to go with them. During the early morning, the three of them boarded Air Force One and arrived in Dallas. That night there was a dinner that Irene bailed on due to illness from the pregnancy.
       The next morning Irene felt better so her father, her husband, and her boarded the car with Governor Connally, as Mrs. Connally had fallen ill last minute.
      Once Tom was settled in next to Irene and Jack was sitting next to Governor Connally, the parade through the streets of Dallas began.
      "God, this sun is hot!" Irene remarked, "Mom's tweed suit isn't helping much either."
      "We're almost to a tunnel," Governor Connally said, "There'll be shade there."
       Just as they made their way through Dealey Plaza, a shot rang out and screams erupted among the crowd.

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