Never Ending

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    As fate had it, Jack got reelected and a new normal developed in the White House. It was unconventional, but it worked. Jackie hand't come around as much as Jack would've liked, but at least they had been talking on the phone and from what Irene understood, they had been making progress while they were apart. Finally, 1968 came around. As Jack began the final stretch of the presidency, Bobby began campaigning himself. One warm June morning, while Irene and all of the children were playing outside on the lawn of the White House, Mrs. Lincoln ran outside. "Irene!"
    "Mrs. Lincoln," Irene said lifting three year old Max and Louis on her hips, "Everything alright?"
    "Irene, you need to get the kids inside now."
    "Caroline, grab John-John, Josie, and Katie's hands. We need to go inside."
    They walked inside and the kids went to the play room as Irene followed Mrs. Lincoln. Irene wiped her hand over her forehead to remove a few beads of sweat. Mrs. Lincoln then pulled Irene into the laundry room closing the door and locking it. "Mrs. Lincoln, what's going on?"
     "Irene, your Uncle Bobby's been shot."
     "Son of a bitch," Irene said covering her face, "Did you tell-"
     "I didn't have the guts to. I thought you should."
     Irene unlocked the door and Mrs. Lincoln followed her. Irene stepped inside the office to see Lyndon sitting across from her father. Lyndon and Irene had never gotten along and she was in no mood for him. "Irene, in eight years, I would think you'd be smart enough to learn not barge into-"
      "Dad, Uncle Bobby has been shot."
      Jack stood from his desk, "Where and when?"
     "California and just a little bit ago."
     "Let's go. Mrs. Lincoln, go look after the kids until Mrs. Shaw gets here and cancel everything."
     Irene and Jack left the White House and then flew to California meeting Ethel in the hospital. "Aunt Ethie!" Irene said running to her side, "How is he? How are you?"
     Ethel had tears steaming down her face, "They haven't told me anything yet. Jack," she cried kissing Jack's cheek, "Thank you both for coming."
     "This is where we needed to be," Jack replied hugging her.
     "Let's get some water," Irene said grabbing Ethel's hand, "Dad, we will be right back."
     Ethel and Irene walked towards a water machine and as Irene bent over to fill a cup, Ethel said, "Irene, I'm pregnant."
     "Oh dear God."

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