Keep It Together

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    Irene handed Josie to Rose and she then dashed outside where Clint and Bobby were helping Jackie to the car.
    "Dad!" Irene called after finding him.
    "Hey, come with us!"
    Irene followed Jack to the car and waved to Tom as they pulled away. When they arrived at the hospital, Jackie was rushed into delivery with Irene following close behind. Jack went to the expectant fathers' room.
    While Irene held Jackie's hand, Jack sat nervously waiting. "It's a boy, Mrs. Kennedy!" the doctor said and then immediately the expression on his face changed.
    Jackie wasn't looking at the doctor and Irene went over to him, "What's wrong?"
    She then looked upon the baby and saw how tiny he was and that his face was blue. "Is he alive?"
    "We need to get him to the Children's Hospital of New York."
    Irene flew out of the room, "Dad! You gotta fly to New York with the baby. He's having breathing problems."
    Jack stood and followed Irene to speak to the doctor. Within a half an hour, Jack and the baby were en route to New York by plane.
    Irene sat with Jackie. When Jackie woke, she asked, "Where's my baby?"
    "Mom, Dad flew to New York with him. I don't know exactly what's wrong."
    Jackie sat quietly for a moment. "Is he a beautiful baby?" she asked.
"Yes. Just like his mama."
Jackie cracked a smile.
Over the next few hours, Irene waited for Jack to call. When he finally did, she wished that he hadn't.
"Irene, they don't think he's going to make it," he sobbed over the phone.
Irene then began to cry as well. "Dad, should I come out to New York?"
"No, stay with Jackie."
"Alright. I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, kiddo."
Irene placed the phone back on the receiver as she tried to pull herself together. She held her breath and walked back to Jackie's room. Fortunately, Jackie was asleep. A little while later, Tom came into the room with Caroline and John. "Look who I brought to meet their-"
"Hey!" Irene said cutting him off, "Go see Mommy while I talk to Tom."
"What's wrong?" Tom asked.
"My dad flew to New York with him. They don't think he's going to make it," Irene said beginning to cry.
"Ire, I'm so sorry. I know it must be hard after losing our first baby."
She nodded as she wiped the tears away, "I'm fine. I have to keep it together for them," she gestured toward Jackie, Caroline, and John.

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