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"What am I going to do?" Ethel asked Irene.
"Aunt Ethie," Irene sighed, "I don't know." Irene hugged Ethel.
Jack came over to them, "Everything alright?" he asked.
Irene nodded, "Anything new?"
"Eth, the doctor just told me that they did all they could and we'll just have to wait through the night."
Ethel began to cry and Jack hugged her, "What's wrong? Don't lose hope. The doctor has faith that he should be able to pull through."
"Jack, I'm pregnant."
"Jesus Christ," Jack sighed putting a hand on his forehead, "Are you feeling alright?" Jack asked putting his arm around Ethel's waist and leading her to a chair.
They sat quietly and then a nurse came over to them, "Mr. President, there's someone here to see you."
Just then Jackie stepped up to Jack and held him tightly, "I love you, Bunny."
Jack nuzzles his head into her hair and neck, "Thanks for coming, Kid."
     "How is he?" Jackie asked.
     "Hanging on by a thread," Ethel responded as she broke down into Irene's arms.
     Ethel then grabbed Irene's hand, "Come see him with me."
     Irene felt nauseous as she walked into the hospital room. She remembered Tom and her father that day in Dallas. She couldn't think about that now though. She had to be there for Ethel. He was laying there looking lifeless just as Tom had that awful day in Dallas.
     They sat down in the room and after a few moments, Ethel became overwhelmed and stepped out of the room. Irene grabbed Bobby's pale hand and held it in her own, "Uncle Bobby, you can't leave me too. You just can't. I love you so much."
     Just as she began to feel tears build in the corners of her eyes, the hand she held squeezed her and a soft moan came from Bobby.

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