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Irene's head snapped to her right and saw Tom clutching his shoulder. Before Irene could say a word, another shot rang out and Tom jerked forward. Irene pulled him over onto her lap. The third and final shot rang out and this time her father slumped over. Without Irene realizing it, the car sped toward Parkland Hospital. When they arrived, Clint pulled a blood and tear soaked Irene off of Tom.
      "Irene! Let us take him!"
      Irene let go of Tom, "Take care of him!" she screamed.
     Irene then turned her attention to her father, "Dad! Look at me! That's it! Just stay with me!"
     Jack was then placed on a gurney and wheeled away from Irene. Irene was then quickly moved into a private room with no windows. Clint stepped into the room with a styrofoam cup of coffee, "Irene," he said handing it to her, "How are you holding up?"
      "Both my husband and my father have been shot- I'm terrible," she nearly whispered lifting her head.
      When she lifted her head, Clint saw the streaks of mascara running down her face. He didn't know what to say to her. She reached for the coffee cup shaking, "Is it decaf?"
     "Yes," Clint nodded.
     She took a sip of it and sighed, "Clint, are they going to make it through this?"
     "They're both tough guys. I'm sure they'll put up a fight."
     Just then a doctor walked into the room, "Mrs. O'Hara."
     Irene jumped to her feet inevitably dripping coffee on her blood stained suit.
    The doctor stood uncomfortably for a moment and then sighed, "Mrs. O'Hara, I'm sorry to tell you that we lost Mr. O'Hara. He lost too much blood and there was too much damage to his brain."
Irene went hysterical. Clint grabbed her as she fell towards the ground. She sobbed uncontrollably. The doctor lingered a moment and then Clint motioned for him to take his leave.
Irene slumped over in a chair and cried. Another doctor walked in the room, "Mrs. O'Hara."
Irene looked up as she hiccuped from crying.  "Yes?"
"Your father is out of surgery. You can go see him now."
Irene jumped up from the chair and followed the doctor down to her father's room.
"Irene," Jack moaned from his bed, "How's Tom?"

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