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Irene sat quietly looking out the window of her bedroom on the morning of Tom's funeral. She thought about him and she tried not to think about that day in Dallas. Irene then placed her hand on her stomach and began to cry. Just then, there was a soft knock at the door. "Irene," Jack said, "Are you alright?"
Irene shook her head and Jack sat down beside her groaning as he did. He was wearing a suit but he also had his sling on as well. "How's the wing?"
"Sore as hell. How are you holding up?"
"Let's see. My husband is dead, I have a one year old daughter that doesn't understand why one day her daddy left and never came back, and as if that's not bad enough, I'm pregnant with another baby."
"Irene, I know it sounds bad right now, but it's going to be alright. Tom's going to look after the four of you."
Irene sighed and sunk her head into Jack's good shoulder.
    After Irene cried for a few minutes, she stood up and slipped her heels on. "Let's go get this over with," she sighed.
    "I agree with you," Jack grabbed her hand and they walked out of the bedroom.

    A few hours later, the funeral service had ended and Irene went into her bedroom upon their arrival home. After she had taken a nap, Jack came to the door and knocked on it, "Kiddo, come eat some dinner."
    She opened the door and Jack held her hand as they walked out of her bedroom. "What's for dinner?"
    "The chefs prepared chicken and pesto. How does that sound? You've barely eaten the past few days."
    "That sounds good." Irene let go of her father's hand and walked into the nursery. She picked up Josie and Jack picked up Katie. They walked into the dining room and put the kids into their highchairs.
    Caroline hugged Irene, "Re-Ne," Caroline said calling Irene the nickname she had developed for her when she was a baby, "I'm sorry."
    Irene sucked in her breath and hugged Caroline, "I love you, sweetie."
    "I love you too."
    "Re-Ne," John-John said running towards her, "I is sorry."
    "Thank you, John-John. I love you."
    "I love you!"
    After the family ate dinner, they retired to the movie room where they decided to watch Fantasia on their personal projector.
    That night when Irene put the kids to bed, she sat awake staring at the wall and rubbing her fingers over her wedding rings. "Oh, Tom," she sighed.

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