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    The day that Jackie was to move out of the Whitehouse, Irene went up to her room. "Hey," Irene said tapping on the door.
    "Hey, there," Jackie said quietly.
    Irene felt slightly uncomfortable. She and Jackie hadn't talked much in the two weeks leading up to her move-out day. "I just wanted to apologize."
    "Irene, stop. Things have been bad for you lately. You just had twins and your have two small girls. You're stressed. Don't worry about it."
    "I don't know what's happened with you and Dad, but I don't want things to change between us. I love you."
    "I love you too, Irene. Listen, I don't want you to feel like I'm abandoning you, the kids, and my grandkids. I don't want to divorce Jack, but he needs to be President and I need to get away."
    "I'm definitely out of line asking this, but why?"
    "I probably shouldn't talk about your father like this to you, but I'm going to anyways. Ever since that damn Dallas trip, he's been different. We haven't been intimate. Hell, even Bobby said he's been different and Bobby's usually too busying chasing after all those kids and being the typical Kennedy-womanizer."
    "You lost me, Mom."
    "I just need a break from the public. I'll be around, but I just won't be here all of the time."
    Irene stepped towards Jackie and Jackie hugged her pushing Irene's long curls behind her shoulder.
    "It's all going to be okay. You can call me anytime, Kiddo."
    "I love you. Don't be a stranger."
    "I won't. I love you too."
    That night after Jack and Irene had successfully put all six children to bed, they went into the movie room and decided to watch The Birds. As they were watching, Irene curled up next to Jack. After the movie had ended, they sat and talked, "How are you holding up?"
    "I'm alright, Kiddo. You don't need to worry about me."
    "Dad, Mom and I talked today and she told me something I noticed myself."
    "What's that?"
    "You've changed since Dallas."
    "I have not," Jack responded sounding the slightest bit irritated.
    "Dad, that's a lie and you know it."
    "I should've died that day. It shouldn't have been Tom. "
    "Dad, what are you talking about?"
    "You and Tom were supposed to be with Lyndon and I decided to put you with me after Mrs. Connally didn't come."
    Jack's eyes began to fill with tears, "Irene, Tom asked me if I wanted to sit in the back with you and I told him that he should sit with you because you were his wife."
Irene let tears fall from her eyes, "Dad, I couldn't stand to see you gone either. I love you both. Things happen for a reason. Who knows what was to come for Tom and I. It might've been meant to be."
Jack hugged her and didn't say another word for a few moments while both of them let out the feelings they'd been holding back. Just then, a baby began to cry.
"I have to go check on the twins."
"I'll come with you."
They climbed the stairs together and then went into the nursery. By that time, both of the twins were awake. "Dad, take Louis. Max is harder to get down."
"I'm up for a challenge. I'll take care of Max. You take Louis and go to bed. You need sleep."
"Thanks, Dad."
Irene took care of Louis and then with a kiss on the cheek, she left Jack in the nursery.

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