Meet You

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"I know," Jack sighed, "But I'm going to be a damn good grandfather and maybe then..."
Irene felt her heart breaking for her father. She knew he was trying to be a better man than the womanizer he once was, but like anything else; it would get better with time. She couldn't believe that Jackie was playing this game with him and it was tearing him apart. "Irene, is there a marriage left to save?" Jack said breaking Irene's daze.
Irene cringed upon hearing the question, "Dad, I don't know."
"We've barely spoken; we haven't been intimate; and hell I call her three times a week to check on them and she never calls me back. She gets one of the agents to call me back."
Irene felt nauseous thinking about the situation. "I'm not sure what you want me to say."
"I don't either," Jack sighed, "I'm tired of fighting. I'm getting to old and crippled for it."
"I know."
"Talk to her and then I can give you advice."
      "I love her. I don't want a divorce."
    "You need to tell her that because if she heard you say that then she would be right here with you."
    "I told her that when they left for Camp David."
    Irene sighed as Jack held his head in his hands. Irene stood up and walked over to hug Jack, "I love you."
    "I love you too," Jack said quietly kissing Irene's cheek.
    Irene gently rubbed her hand up and down Jack's back. Irene then suddenly doubled over and groaned in pain. "What's wrong?" Jack asked standing up.
    "Dad, call Tom and get me to the hospital."
    Jack and Irene headed for the hospital and when they arrived, Jack ran to find a phone to call Tom. After reaching Tom, Jack returned to Irene's room. "Tom's on his way."
    A nurse came into the room, "Mrs. O'Hara, we're going to take you down to delivery."
    Jack kissed Irene's cheek as they wheeled her away.
    When Tom arrived at the hospital, he and Jack waited in the expectant fathers' room.
    "How'd she seem?" Tom asked nervously.
    "She seemed very well."
    After a little while of waiting, a nurse walked into the expectant father's room carrying a tiny, swaddled bundle.
    "Mr. O'Hara, there's someone that would like to meet you."

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