Chapter 1

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"Shhh its okay." I cooed in my little sisters ear. She laid next to my and my sister underneath my bed. The only things you could hear were my parents screaming at each other and my sisters quiet sobs. I rubbed soothing circles in her back, knowing that this would calm her down. Darcy was talking to my grandparents on her phone. They were coming soon, which was our cue to start packing an over night bag. I flipped out from under the bed and brought Jesy with me. Darcy flipped out from the other side and I packed my bag first. Darcy checked out in the hallway in order to make sure it was safe to go out there. When it finally was I lead Jesy to her room and I helped pack her bags and Darcy went to grab hers. When it was all said and done we all went back in my bedroom and opened the side window. I grabbed the mini ladder and shoved it out the window making sure it was securely in place before Darcy climbed out. Jesy latched on to my back was Darcy climbed down the ladder. When she safely got down onto the ground I threw the bags out. Then it was my turn. I stuck my leg out and started climbing.

When I felt my foot touch the ground I let out a sigh. We did this often, like 4 times a month often. Our mum was getting a divorce from our dad. I guess he just found out because that's all they were yelling about. Our father claimed to say he loves our mum. But in reality he just doesn't want to pay our mum child support. Our father did a lot of drinking and gambling. Mum was sick of it, and she also got tired of fighting and arguing. So she ended their marriage.

"Charlie." Jesy said shaking me from my thoughts. I looked down at my little sister. Our grandparents were in our drive way. I lead Jesy into the back seat of there car. I set her down in it and buckled her in. "Charlie aren't you coming?" she asked me after I set her bags in the car where Darcy and I would normally sit. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.

"No, we're staying to help mummy get away from daddy." I told her. By now she started to cry again. I kissed her forehead and said goodbye as they pulled away. I turned around to see Darcy setting our stuff in her car. When she was done we walked inside our disastrous home. Papers lay everywhere along with broken glass. The kitchen cabinets where opened and boxes of food spilled everywhere. My eyes were widened with shock, my mum and dad where this violent when they fought and we didn't know. That's when I heard their voices in the living room.

"We need a divorce!" my mum yelled.

"Why? You wont get the kids anyways!" our 'father' yelled at her. Darcy and I stood in the doorway. They were oblivious of our presence.

"They know of your ways! They'll chose me."  our mum said. Fiery shown in his eyes. That's when I saw something I didn't want to see or think would ever happen.

Our father pulled out a gun and pointed the barrel at our mum. A small gasp escaped my mouth, our father turned over to us. He left my mother as a target and pointed the gun at us. Neither one of us knew which one was at the end of the barrel but it didn't matter. Someone was going to die today regardless. Tears brimmed up in my eyes and my eyes flickered over to our mum. She was terrified, probably more then us.

"So, our girls decided to show up." our father sneered.

"James don't you dare touch them." our mother sternly told him.

"Oh, I wont but the bullet will." he said. A smirk appeared on his face as he pulled the trigger. A screamed filled the air. And it wasn't mine.

Darcy fell to the ground clutching her stomach. I heard the sound of a crack and my father was on the ground. Our mum knocked him out. She ran over to Darcy's limp body. I began sobbing with my dying sister in my arms. Her blood getting all over my clothes but at this point I could care less.

"Call the cops." I yelled at my mum. She nodded and began dialing the phone.

"Charlie protect Jesy and mum. Don't leave them like I am." Darcy breathed out.

"No you cant leave." I whispered. A smiled came across her face and a single tear fell down her rose colored cheeks.

"I'll miss you." she said. A single breath came out. I watched as her sweet eyes went cold and lifeless. I just lost it. Sirens screamed in the distance. By now I was covered in Darcy's red blood. I couldn't just leave her. She was only 19 years old. She was to young.

I continued to cry as police men pried me away from her. I screamed and kicked as they loaded her into a body bag and on to a stretcher.

"No you cant take her away from me!" I screamed. I couldn't take it anymore. Darcy was gone and it was my fault. I lead her into this plan.

"This was found in her pockets." someone said to me as I cried into the cops shoulder. They were her car keys. I took them and looked at them.

"Her cars yours." my mum whispered to me. Tears continued to fall. I watched the men cuff my so called father.

"Mum how are we going to tell Jesy?" I asked her. She shrugged. Her eyes were red and puffy. But she stopped crying. I stood up and walked outside of the door and got into my sisters car. I started up the engine and pulled out of the drive way faster then I expected. I quickly wiped away the stray tears that were the last to fall.

I pulled into an empty parked lot and stopped the car. I got out and grabbed the keys and walked away from the car. Since it was in the middle of the summer I was wearing shorts and a tank top with matching vans. I felt broken glass crunch under my shoes.

My thoughts were racing. My sister just got shot and died in my arms. My father did it he was going to prison, or better he'll be given the death sentence. My sisters body was ripped away from me and I was given her car. I was lost at the moment. Alone, in the most dangerous part of Mullingar. I frozen. I was lost in Mullingar. Alone. In the most dangerous part.

I felt my body being pushed roughly back against a  wall. I sucked in my breath as it all escaped my body. My eyes squeezed shut. My breath quickened. I heard a chuckle and I opened my eyes. A tattooed man stood in front of me. He had deep light blue eyes. Tattoos went up his arm and disappeared under is shirt. His hair had blonde tips and brown roots.

"Look at what I have here." he said smirking. I squirmed under his touch. This only made his smirk grow bigger.

"W-What do you want?" I asked him. My fear shown through my voice.

"Nothing, just a good scare." he said dropping me and walking off. I stood there, my head spinning. I began to run towards my dead sisters car.

What the hell just happened to me?

So guise how was the first chapter of my FIRST Punk Niall Fan Fic.?

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