Chapter 17

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After we finished eating and catching up, sadly she had to leave. Once the door shut signaling that she had left I picked up my phone and scrolled through all my missed texts from my friend who loved to party the most. Adrian. He was gay. My favorite friend out of all of my friends. The boy or, what he likes to be called the 'man', really knew how to party and have fun.

My mum loved him like a son. His own parents despised the fact he liked the same sex for a while. Which lead him to live with me and my family for a while. About a year later his parents missed him, as well as his older sister, and they begged him to move back. More people at school then you think accepted him. He never got bullied for being they way his was. For some reason I was actually shocked. He was always happy.

Adrian; Heyyy boo <3 Wanna go clubbing tonight?

Charlie; You know it! give me an hour?

Adrian; Of course girl cx

I laughed at our conversation and then got up. Seeing's how my hair was already like I would wanted it to be like I just threw on a tight pair of high wasted jeans and a black crop top. I looked through all my shoes until I found my black Vans. I walked into my bathroom and began clearing my face for a new makeup job.

Pulling out my blackest eye liner and mascara and other eye makeups I began my masterpiece via face wise. After about twenty minutes I perfected the smoky eye look I was looking for. I put on my shimmery lip gloss and evenly spread it across my lips.

I smiled when I heard the door bang. Leave it to Adrian to hit the door so hard that you would think someone was trying to get in and kidnap you. Chuckling and hopping over to the door at the same time I was putting on my shoes Adrian just walked in.

"You should really lock that door sweetheart." he said. I squeaked and then ran into his open arms.

I breathed in his oh-so-familiar scent. He always asked my opinions on the cologne he wears. Its always been that way with him.

"I missed you Adrian. Where did you run off to for so long?" I asked him after we separated.

"France." he said chuckling. My eyes widened.

"What were you going over there?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Went to live with my mum after the whole divorce and finished school over there. I just moved back." he said smiling.

"Good I've been seriously missing my clubbing buddy. No one is more fun to get drunk with but you." I said truthfully.

"Well lets get going shall we?" he asked holding out his arm. I took it and stuck my own arm through the open space of his.

"We shall." I said giggling.

We walked out and I slid into his '67 mustang. It was sweet and he remolded it and everything. He started it up and pulled out of the parking lot and in the direction of the new club called 'Sweet and Sour'. I didn't get the name so much. But apparently my friend Jessica said it was the best club she's ever gone to.

Ever since the tenth grade we've all, including Adrian, had fake I.Ds made all the time. But now we're old enough to have real ones. We've never really gotten caught 'cause we have friends that work at every club we've ever gone to.

"So how was your Senior year?" he asked me. I shrugged and played with my over decorated phone case.

"It was okay." I said. He nodded.

"How's Darcy?" he asked.

A pang hit my chest and I felt a tear slid down my cheek. But that's all I could allow. He noticed and put a hand on my own.

"S-She got shot. And died." I choked out. He frown and I noticed that his lip was shaking a little bit.

"Im sorry Charlie." he said.

We let the conversation making just stop and I turned on the radio and nodded my head along with the beat of the music. Adrian's thumbs tapped along. The thing with him unlike most guys he loved pop and stuff like that. At the moment we were singing the lyrics to 'Wake Me Up' by Avicii.

Soon we pulled up to the club. Since it was a newer one the smell of vomit and desperation didn't really come off it yet. I was glad cause that always made me gag.

Adrian walked up to the bouncer and he just nodded his head. And with that simple gesture we were in the club. It saved us a long wait to get in.

The room was filled with flashing lights of all different colors. I pushed us through the hot, sweaty crowd until we reached the bar. Adrian winked at me and I ordered us shots of a mix between tequila and vodka. He took six of each alcohol as I did also. We began downing them and about half way through my twelve my mind began to fog over.

"Adrian I wanna dance." I whined and slurred at the same time. He chuckled.

He had only drank two shots before he realized he had to drive. I took his shots and downed them which left me really hammered.

I guess after a while of begging and pleading with him he dragged me out onto the dance floor and left me there to go back and watch me. I looked over at all my possible choices and I chose a boy with dirty blonde hair and I think blue eyes.

I tugged his body into my own and I watched a smirk go onto his face. He grabbed my hips and I began to grind into him. His hot breath hit my neck as I danced. Soon I felt him go harder and harder into my thigh and I giggled at the feeling.

"Lets take you home shall we?" he hotly whispered into my ear. I nodded and waved goodbye to Adrian and I was lead to a black range rover. It look oddly familiar but I didn't question it. I slid into the passenger seat and I was given a bottle of water.

"Here this will sober you up babe." the thick Irish accent said to me. I nodded and I drank a few bottles actually until my mind wasn't clouded.

"Were am I?" I asked holding the bottles.

"In my car. Why were you at a club Chay?" the man asked me. But only one person ever called me that. Niall.

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