Chapter 5

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I sighed looking at the clock which now struck 7. It was obvious that he wasn't coming tonight and I had no idea why I was so excited to go out with a bad boy. I pulled out my phone from my bag and dialed my best friend Austin's number. It ringed for a few seconds and then he finally picked up.

"Hey short stuff." he said into the phone. I smiled at the nickname he gave me when we were like five.

"Hey, wanna go out tonight?" I asked him. It was silent on the other side then he finally spoke up.

"Yeah sure." he said laughing.

"Where at though?" I asked him. He sighed.

"The beach like last summer." he said. I smiled.

"That sound perf. pick me up in 10 minutes." I said.

"Kay." he said. I hung up the phone and ran upstairs and kicked off my heels and slipped my dress off as well. I grabbed my strapless floral print bikini and my pink flip flops and threw my hair in a messy bun and quickly wiped off my make up and then I grabbed twenty dollars and my phone and I was greeted at the bottom of my stairs with Austin standing with his aqua blue swimming trunks and a tight white t-shirt. When he seen me he smiled and held out his arm. I took it and began laughing at his silly ness.

"And we're off milady." he said. I smiled at him and did a funny curtsy back at his bow. 

"You're so silly Aussie." I said using his childhood nickname that I gave him years ago. He smiled and we raced towards his car. I slide into the passenger side and I leaned back closing my eyes. I felt the car starting and it beginning to move.

"Why did you call so late and stuff?" Austin asked. I shrugged.

"I was going to go out with Niall Horan tonight but he never showed up." I said. I looked over to him and his muscles were tensed.

"I think you shouldn't be seeing him Charlie." he said shifting in his seat.

"I know." I said quietly.

The rest of the ride there consisted of us belting out the lyrics of songs on our favorite CD. The most we sang the most we laughed at each other. I could sing I just chose not to around people, it wasn't my thing. Austin could sing also but he liked being silly a bit more then that.

"Aussie where here stop the car." I whined. He chuckled and quickly parked the car. It was about nine and the sun was almost fully set. The sky looked absolutely beautiful by now. I got out of the car and the humid air surround my cool body and I stretched out my arms into the night.

"Hurry up short stuff!" Austin yelled at me from the beach. I smiled and ran towards him and jumped into his arms. He twirled me around and I laughed at him. After a while he set me down and we ran into the water.

The beach was empty except a few couples and us. We weren't a couple but we were best friends. We've be friends for as long as I could remember. Every small sleepovers, all the big party's. Every smaller and bigger arguments and fights. Solving those problems that caused those fights and arguments. We've been through a lot. Even when his big brother dated my sister and then dumped her. After that his brother hated it when we hung out. But my sister had no problem with it.

"Short stuff we should be getting you home." Austin laughed as I got splashed out of my thoughts. I shook my head and jumped on it him. He laughed and held my tired body against his own body and he walked out of the water back to his car. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck inhaling the smell of the water and his cologne.

"Aussie you should stay the night tonight." I whined as he set me into the seat of his car. The leather stuck to my wet body almost immediately. I heard him get into his car. When he got settled in he reached back and pulled out two fresh, crisp, clean shirts. He held one out to me and I gladly took it and slipped over my body.

The first song that turned on as he started the car and began to drive down the empty road was Ignition by R. Kelly. I bobbed my head to the beat and Austin sang along. My eyes became heavier with the words that flowed out of his mouth. As my eyes closed for there last time I could have sworn I heard Austin whisper 'I love you'.

Niall's p.o.v.~

As I turned the corner well knowing I was late as hell. As I pulled up to a stop sign a car passed and in it I could have put my life on the bet that I saw Charlie with another guy. 

"Fuck!" I yelled as I slammed my fist down on the steering wheel. I pulled my phone out to check the time. It was about 7 ish. I sunk back in my seat and drove over to Harry's place. He would be able to help me.

I pulled up and got out and slammed my door a little to hard cause Harry came running out into the yard half naked.

"What the hell Niall?" Harry asked me. I pushed past him and walked into the apartment. He ended up running after me and grabbing onto my wrist and spinning me around. I was breathing hard by now trying to hold in my anger. Harry would kick my arse if I blew up on him.

"Niall what happened?" he asked desperately. I breathed in a deep breath and sat down on the couch.

"I was really late for our date cause I ran into Justin on the way there. We got into it and well next thing I knew I was running over an hour late. I began driving to her house to get her, and as I pulled to a stop I watched a car roll past with Charlie and another guy in it." I said. I could feel the tears wanting to cloud over my eyes but that wouldn't happen. Not in front of Harry.

"Bro im sorry." he said. I shrugged then laughed.

"She never really liked me. I just scared the fuck out of her." I said, mostly murmuring to myself then telling him.

"You don't know that Niall. She never argued over the fact you guys were going to go out." he said. I nodded in agreement. I stood up and walked out of the door.

"Where you going mate?" he asked me.

"Home." I called back before shutting the door.

I ran to my car and started it up and quickly sped down the road to Charlie's place. I needed to make things right for her and I. This girl wasn't getting away that fast.

Charlie's p.o.v~

"Charlie wake up, someone's here." Austin said. I knew we were in my house and I knew I was in Austin's arms. My eyes fluttered open. I looked over to where Austin's eyes were set on. Niall.

"Charlie I thought we were going on a date?" Niall said twirling around a rose in his fingers.

"You were late, I wasn't going to wait all day so I went out with my best friend." I stated. I was now in the floor in front of Niall. I could tell he was mad by the way he breathed.

"You could have called and told me instead of just leaving!" he yelled. My body flinched under his harsh stair.

"You're the bad boy and im a good girl." I stated to him. "Im thinking that you just use me." I said.

"Do you think that I enjoy driving here but instead finding out you left as the car you're in drives past mine? Or that I enjoy seeing other men make you happy?!" he yelled.

"He's my best friend, why do you even care?" I asked him. He scowled at me then looked at Austin and hatred filled his now black eyes. "You know what Niall just leave." I finally said. He didn't argue. He just left, not even looking back at us.

"Shall we sleep then?" Austin asked breaking the awkward silence that filled my house.

"Yeah." I said following him upstairs for us to change.

After we slipped into our pajamas we walked back down stairs. He took the living room floor and I took the couch. Then we just fell asleep. Or, well, at least I did.


OOOOOH snap. Nialls mad and Austin's in Charlie's house.

And about the TCA's and Niall, Liam, and Lou.... Maybe they were backstage or even back in the bus getting ready to leave the US?? And Harry only stayed because of the other awards he was nominated in. Zayn stayed with Perrie because they missed each other and wanted to be together before they went back on their tours. Jeez y'all gotta jump to conclusions. -.-

Sooo how is the story so far guise? ~Nemo

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