Chapter 15

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My eye lids shot open when a loud crack went through out the whole apartment. A thunder storm. Niall was on the floor by the couch were I was currently laying. I carefully got up and stepped around Nialls sleeping body. Soon I found the window and I moved the blinds away so they weren't covering the glass. I sat on the ledge of the window, making sure that I wasn't going to fall off the edge, and watched.

The lightning danced around the sky while the thunder made the music. The rain was the lyrics to the beautiful song that made the lightning just want to dance. Whenever a flash of lightning went through the sky I smiled and remembered all the times my dad would wake Darcy and I up in the middle of the night to watch the storms. Even on school nights.


"Girls wake up." my dads voice said. My eyes fluttered open to see my sister already excitedly climbing out of her bed to join our dad.

I smiled and quickly got out and ran behind them through the house to the front porch. Our mum was already there. By now she was about 8 months pregnant, so we couldn't sit on her lap like we normally would.

I sat on my dads lap while my sister sat on the railing. The lightning just filled up the dark sky.

Soon our dad picked us both up and started moving to the beat of the thunder and rain. Darcy giggled while I just continued to look over his shoulder at our mum and then the sky. She had a huge approving smile on her face as she rubbed her large stomach.

"Girl's your father and I decided that you didn't have to go to school in the morning." our mother said as we all separately danced to the rhythm.

I clapped and my sister squealed and then sat on our dads lap. I stepped into the rain and spread my arms out and just let the falling water cover my small body.


I jumped slightly as a pair of arms snaked their way around my waist. Hot breath was instantly against my neck.

"What are you doing babe?" Niall asked me.

"Watching the storm." I answered.

"I got this. Lets go." he said slipping on a pair of shoes, waiting for me.

I didn't question him and I slipped on a pair of shoes and followed him out of our flat. He lead me out of the building then down the road. The warm rain splashed against the pavement and my exposed skin.

Soon we showed up at a random park. Niall turned around and grabbed me by my waist and pulled my wet body against his own.

"Care to dance with me?" he whispered into my ear.

"I would love to." I replied back to him.

He smiled and then we began to sway to the soft rhythm of the rain and thunder. My head rested on his chest, his hands securely on my waist.

This moment was perfect. It was almost as my passed had just disappeared straight from my life. I knew it hadn't but I felt like it did. Niall was a struggle but it was worth it.

"Chay, can I ask you something?" Niall asked me pulling us away from each other.

"Sure." I said smiling at him. He smiled and took my smaller hands in his larger ones.

"Charlie will you please be my girlfriend? You make me happy and I know I make you happy as well." he said. 

I smiled at him. The rain still poured around us. The lightning continued to dance around us and the thunder died down a little.

"Of course." I said. He smiled and then leaned down.

Our lips pressed together and my eyes fluttered shut. It was a kiss I've wanted for so long. It was my first kiss with Niall. And it being tonight was extremely special. 

His lips moved smoothly against mine. My fingers ran through his wet hair as his hands pushed my further into his body. Soon he deepened our small kiss. I smiled into it then pulled away.

"You're such a tease." he said laughing at my actions.

"Does it matter Nialler?" I asked him.

"No, I guess not." he said. I nodded as we began walking back to our flat.

He intertwined our fingers about half way there. My body was weak and my eye lids were getting heavier with each step.

"Sweet dreams." I heard Niall say as he scooped me into his arms.

My eyes fluttered closed even if I was still in the process of walking home in the pouring rain.

Niall's p.o.v.~

I watched her as she began stumbling around as we walked home. Soon I got tired of her struggling to stay awake so I just picked her up and cradled her in my arms.

"Sweet dreams." I said to her. She smiled then fell asleep.

I continued to walk down the empty road. The storm was beginning to lighten up as I walked through the door of the building I lived in. Because I was wet I walked slowly up the stairs and then opened the door to my flat.

I went straight into Charlie's room and stripped her down so that she was in her undergarments and then I redressed her in dry pajamas. I laid her in bed then climbed in next to her. Her entire body shook from the droplets of rain cooling. She looked so peaceful asleep.

For then next couple minutes her face was relaxed. Then I watched as it twisted as if she was in pain of some sort. I shook her body and her eyes shot open. Her head turned towards me then she flipped her body over. She didn't ask why I changed her clothes. All she did was throw her arms around my neck then fall back asleep.

I didn't mind having a girl like this. Most of the girls I was with were one or two nighters. Or sometimes just a hit and run. I've never really had a girlfriend or something to be called mine for a long time. I missed the feeling of knowing you belong in someone's heart. Not just alone with your friends. But with a girl who understands you, and loves you.


Okay guys. I'll try and update A LOT before school starts. But I wont be updating often when it does. xc im just as sad as you guys are. Trust me I hate it. Well comment what you think <3 Oh and check out that song ~Nemo

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