Chapter 23

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                                                                    A few years later:

The leafs crunched under my heavy foot steps. It was quiet and starting to get colder. I tighted my jacket around my body. Once I found the grave I stood proudly above it. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket. 

"Its been a few years huh?" I said. No reply.

I sat down in front of the heavy stone. Sadness left, but I could never love like I did. 

"Jesy's at school, hows your grandparents? They couldnt be buried next to you and your sister like they wanted to. But I know they found you guys." I said sighing at the end. 

"I miss you, and of course so does Jesy." I said twirling a blade of grass in between my fingers. 

The wind blew passed me. The night she died always replayed in my mind. Jesy woke up with nightmares every night for the first few month. We were both tired of losing people we loved. She was alone. 

Her mother wouldnt regain custody after she gets out. After she left for the nut house Jesy's grandparents got full on custody. Then they said it would be a good idea for my to adopt her. Which I did in Charlies memory.

Her photography room stood still. Nothing was ever touched. But on Charlies birthday Jesy and I would buy her favorite kind of cake and take a picture with it every year. It made us feel better.

Since I changed to fit the parent figure Harry did to. Only he's settled down. We've taken out our lip rings and any other piercing we had. Louis stayed a punk. Same as Liam. They just found a huge rush with it. No one knew what Zayn was ever up to. We actually havent heard from him in a while. 

"I miss you Chay, I havent started dating yet. I know I  need to but I cant." I said laying back into the soft grass.

I stayed there for what seemed like forever until I stood up. I gave one finally last look at her grave for the day. Taking in the writing on the stone. 


                                                            Charlie Santiago 

                                                        Sister, Girlfriend, Victim 


Everyone fought to have 'Victim' taken off but me. It just sounded right. After looking at it I made my through the grave yard and to my car. 

Her birthday was coming up next week, which meant Jesy and I needed to go order her cake. I drove through the traffic. Seeings how school was getting out any minute that meant parents and who ever to drive out to get their kids. 

"Nialler!" I heard a small voice calling to me. 

I turned to find Jesy and another little girl running towards me. Jesy wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled up at me. 

"You should let Marie stay the night tonight." She told me. I chuckled and nodded.

"My mommy said to tell her." Maire pipped up. Jesy nodded and they ran off in the direction of Maries mothers car. They grabbed clothes and I watched Maries older sister and mother give her a hug. 

I could tell Jesy was getting upset. But soon they turned away and ran back over to us. 

"Jesy how come your mommy or daddy never come and get you?" Marie asked. 

Jesy looked down at her lap. Marie was never educated of this subject. 

"Jesy's parents moved to America for the year with her sister." I said. Jesy looked at me with glossy eyes and smiled. 

"Oh." Marie said.

I stopped at the cake shop we went in to order the usual cake. Jesy smiled and looked at the cup cakes in the display window. 

"Want some?" I asked. They both nodded and I ordered a twelve pack of them.

They ate their treats as I drove them home. We walked into my flat and they immediatly ran to Jesys room. I sighed and sat on the couch. My phone went off and it was a text from one of Charlies old friends. 

Jade; I just found an old note Charlie wrote me. Check her documents on her laptop. Theres no password. Good luck. 

I stood up and walked into her photography room and took her laptop out into the living room. Just like Jade said there wasnt a password. But I did as I was told and looked through them. 

Each of them had something to do with me. Kind of like a virtual diary. Then I clicked one titled. 'If I Ever Die.' 

I opened the file and read through it. My heart shattered at what I read. It wasnt fair. Why did she write this?


The last chapters going to be what she wrote in that document. Yay or Nay? ~Nemo

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