Chapter 21

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"Baby dont cut, I love you." I told him. My body was shaking from the scence I had just walked into. 

The tears fell down my cheeks. Some landed on my lips. I licked the salty water away before I pulled away from Nialls hold. He was crying. His whole body was shaking. The sobs left his body silently, so the only way you would notice is from looking at his body.

"I love you too." he choked out. My heart broke. 

He wanted to kill himself over my own death. It couldnt even process in my head. I just told him that I loved him. Did I love him? Yes. I'm pretty sure I did. 

I know I'm 18 but what I felt with Niall was real. Not just a rebound or whatever. I knew he was a player, a bad boy. Someone you wouldnt wanna mess with.

But it didnt matter. I just saved him from death. He needed me. I needed him. 

Niall's p.o.v.~

We held each other. Tears fell from my eyes. I could feel my face heating up with embarassment. She didnt need to see me like that. She should have saw my body on the ground. To feel everything being lifted off her shoulders. All the pain and worriedness she felt while she was with me leave her body. She could be a normal 18 year old. But no I was 20 and a fuck up. 

The fact that pointless tattoos covered my body. My piercings. The two tattoos she had. It was all the big point of fucking your life up. I have no future, but she does. She's leaving for New York in three days. 

"Niall listen to me." Charlie snapped. I looked at her. 

"I know I'm leaving soon. I know for sure if I get a job in the UK after I'm done with University I'll come back. Dont forget me." She said quickly. 

I felt my heart break. She wanted to come back but she couldnt be sure if she was or not. I nodded and stood up leaving her in my bathroom. I grabbed my coat and walked out of our flat. Already knowing where I was going I got on my bike, even though it was cold, and sped off in the direction of the gym I work at. I only work when there was a match coming up. It was my job to train new people in the fine art of fighting. 

When I got there I took the keys out and walked towards the building. The moment I walked inside I slipped my coat off and walked into the locker room. My key slid into my lock and I grabbed the shorts inside it.

I slipped my shirt over my head and quickly threw on a wife beater. My shorts were baggy but it wasnt a bad thing. 

The cool air of the room hit my face as I walked into the room. My hand grasped the rope as I pulled myself up onto the boxing ring. I went straight for the pair of worn out blue gloves. I put them on and got out of the ring. Most of the people here didnt use the punching bag like I did. 

My fists began to conect over and over again with the bag. My breathing became heavier. People began to leave the room. Mostly being pushed out by the other workers who knew of my temper. After what felt like hours I was drenched in sweat and my fists ached.

I pulled off the gloves and leaned up against the wall. The sweat trickled down my face and down my back. My head swirled in the thoughts of what it would be like if she actually left and never came back. 

Charlie's p.o.v.~

My eyes looked over my room. I had just finished packing my clothes. The suitcase stood by the door. Next would be my shoes. 

As I began the task of looking for my bag to put my shoes in I heard the door open and click shut. Foot steps lead down the hall but turned into what sounded like my photography room. I slowly stood up and walked in its direction. My head found a glass vase and took it with me. 

The door to the room was shut but I could hear heavy breathing in there. I slowly turned the knob. The vase fell to the wooden floor and shattered. My mouth fell open. Adrian stood in the room. His back was to me but I knew he was smirking. 

"How did you get in here?" I asked him. He shrugged. 

"You should really keep that door closed." He said. My mind spun. 

"You shouldnt be here." I told him. He laughed.

"And why is that?" He asked me. I gasped. 

"Cause Niall will be home soon." I told him.

By now he was turned so he was facing me. He looked the same. Only I couldnt see the boy I've been friends with for most of my life. I couldnt see my best friend. I could only see a monster.

 "Come on Charlie, you know you miss me." He said. Only I didnt. 

"Shut up. You're the one who got me pregnant!" I yelled at him. I wasnt just going to let me get away with this. 

"Thats great. You having my child." he said laughing at the end. 

"You're such a twisted bastard." I told him. He shrugged. 

"Why does that even matter?" He said.

"What?" I asked shocked. He had that twisted look on his face like the night he raped me. 

"You heard me." He said. 

But the fact was it did matter. I almost had his child. ALMOST. And he just thinks that it doesnt matter. 

I crossed my arms over my chest. The room was getting colder and colder with every little second of him being here. Niall needed to come back. 

"Just wait until Niall gets here." I spat at him, once again reminding him that Niall was coming home tonight. 

All he did was laugh and lean against the wall. His eyes pierced through my body. As if he was photographing my body. My body at that exact moment. His eye brows furred together as we heard a door slam shut. Foot steps traveled down the hall and stopped in front of what sounded like Nialls bedroom. The door of that particular room slammed shut as the person looked through every room until this one was the last one. 

Adrian just stood there with a stupid smirk on his face. I couldnt believe this was happening. Just as the door knob turned Adrian ran and pulled my body close to his and flipped out the blade on his pocket knife. The cool metal pressed slightly against my neck. 

"Hey I'm home Char-" Niall said but stopped short of the scene in front of him. 

He stepped into the room even further and a wicked look shown in his eyes. His muscels flexed and his breathing got heavier. 

"Adrian we made a deal!" Niall yelled. My eyes practically popped out of my head. 

"Shut up Niall, you just had to walk into my plan." Adrian said. 

"You told me that you would leave her alone." Niall spat at him. A deep chuckle came off Adrians lips. 

"To bad Niall, She's a goner." Adrian said, pressing the metal even harder into my throat.

"Niall?" I asked him. 

"Yeah Niall, you should probably tell her." Adrian said in a sarcastic voice. 

"Tell me what?" I choked out. Niall bite on his lip ring and burned holes into Adrians body with his eyes.

"Adrian and I sold drugs together for a girl. Her names Jasmine but after she became psycho we broke off and sold our own drugs. We became partners and then we grew. We hired people, beat people and sometimes killed." Niall said rubbing his neck. 

"What else?" Adrian pressed on. 

Niall sighed, "And I've cheated on you plenty of times with my dealers." he finished. 

My body hurt. My heart ached. Was this real life? Am I dreaming? 

A trail of wet, warm liquid trailed down my chest. I knew Adrian just finished the deed. I was dying. Because of Niall. Again.



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