Chapter 6

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"Daddy why do I have to go to school?" I whined. He chuckled and picked my small fragile body up and grabbed my sisters hand. He lead us into the big school building. I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"Bug you'll love school." mum said. I nodded and we walked towards my class room for the first day. It was decorated with letters and numbers and bright and dark colors. Little tables and chairs filled the room and at the front of the class room was a white board with an array of markers and a chalk board with a few boxes of white and colored chalk. Toys and bean bag chairs filled one corner of the room and a small couch and chairs were in another corner next to a book shelf.

"Daddy let go." I whined trying to get to the toys. He smiled and let me go. I ran over to a group of kids.

"Hi my names Austin.' a little boy wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt with light up batman shoes said to me.

"My names Charlie." I said smiling to him. He smiled and handed me a block. I gladly took it and as I began to play Darcy ran up to me.

"Bug mummy and daddy are taking me to 2nd grade now." she said. I smiled and waved good bye with my skinny 6 year old fingers. They all waved back and left the room.

"Why do they call you bug?" Austin asked me as we got called to sit at a seat. We sat next to each other and I turned towards him.

"Cause im tiny like a little bug." I said giggling. Austin smiled at me and we began our school lesson that day.

I woke up to a sweet smell of bacon and eggs. Austin must have woken up earlier then me by a few minutes. I got off the couch and walked out into the kitchen. Austin stood in front of the stove flipping eggs and turning the bacon over.

"Awehh Aussie's making breakfast." I cooed from behind him. It was normally me that wakes up to find him sitting on the couch watching me until I got up to make the breakfast.

"I-I got hungry." he said stuttering a little at the beginning. He turned around and his cheeks were a bright pink. The poor things embarrassed. I sat down at the island and grabbed his phone and began scrolling through his Facebook. I laughed at a few pictures that showed up.

"Austin, why is Julie texting you?" I asked him. He ignored my question and I began scrolling through their conversation.

"What are you doing?" Austin asked me. I shrugged.

"Why does Julie want you back? She broke up with you." I said. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Bug, why does it even matter." he said sighing at the end. I looked at him for a minute and then at the counter top.

"Are you going to get back with her?" I asked him. I only got silence. "Answer me." I begged him.

"I don't know yet." he said setting down a plate of food in front of me. I took a bite and glared at him.

"You know that she hates me. Why ruin our friendship over that whore?" I asked him. His eyebrows scrunched up and I frowned.

"I got to go Charlie." he said grabbing his phone. I heard the door slam shut signaling that he left. I finished my breakfast unfazed by his temper. After I finished eating I went upstairs and took a shower cleaning off the water from the night before.

I walked into my room and looked through the many outfits I had. I chose and pair for short shorts and a British flag tank top with red Vans. I put on eye liner and a few coats of mascara and then called it good.

Not wanting to stay inside I grabbed my wallet and phone and keys and left the house and got into the car. I began to drive down the road towards my grandparents house. I pulled off to the side when I saw a ton of cars already there. I got out and walked in.

"Charlie!" I heard Jesy's tiny voice yell. I opened my arms and she jumped into them.

"Grandma, what's going on?" I asked her. She looked at me worried and motioned for Jesy to leave.

"Your mother tried to commit suicide..." she said trailing off. My mother?

"Why?" I asked her.

"She's going through an extreme case of depression." she explained to me. I nodded and watched as they loaded my mother up to ship her out to a rehabilitation center.

"I love you girls." she yelled at they get her in the back of the car. I waved at her and didn't dare let a tear escape my eye. I held a sobbing Jesy in my arms as they asked who would take care of her while our mother was away. My grandparents volunteered. They told me I could come over as much as I wanted to and that I could continue to live in our house. I nodded along as they went over what all would happen.

"Can I take Jesy out for something to eat?" I asked my grandmother. She nodded and I took Jesy by the hand and set her in the back seat.

"What happened to our family sissy?" she asked me. I sighed and turned the music down.

"Dad screwed up and Darcy wanted to protect us. Mum couldn't take it all and grandma and grandpa are helping out." I explained to her. She nodded and I pulled up to a small ice cream shop and we got out. I got a cookie dough flurry and Jesy got an M&M flurry.

After we ate I took her back to her rightful place and then I went home. I walked into the house and went straight to Darcy's room. I sat on her bed and then looked around the room. Memories flooded back to my mind at once.

Like when I caught Darcy and Justin up here on a late night cuddling and watching movies together. And when I needed advice about school and clothes. When I would get scared of the thunder and run in here and sleep in her bed with her. When we made a pact to always be there for our new baby sister. And when we promised to protect each other from dad.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the salty tasting water on my lips. Knowing Darcy wouldn't want me to cry over her death I wiped away the tears and got up. Her room was exactly like she left it. I sat at her desk and went through her papers. I stumbled across one that was intended for me.


I love you. I'll miss you when I die. By then dad shouldn't be alive so I know that you're safe. But if I die before him I buried a box out in the back yard of all the good memories we've had with him. Its a pretty big box. But its fully of things from me and our memories. Hopefully you read this before my funeral, cause I really would like it if you invited Justin and even Austin. I want to be dressed in my favorite outfit. Ya know? My big sister t-shirt and a pair of jeans and my black Vans. I don't want any make up on. I'll come back and haunt you if I do have makeup on. That's a promise. Haha. So I love you and heavens just perfect. I cant wait to see you. Bye bye bug.

~Darcy xx

I looked over and over the note. She wasn't ready to die. She wanted kids and a future with someone. But our father killed her because I was like a statue and didn't save her.

I walked into the living room clutching the note to my chest and I laid on the couch. And I fell asleep I guess.


How was this 'filler chapter' guise? Listen to the song that im going to post with it. I think its PER-FECT for how Charlie is feeling about Darcy's death. Oh and I need a nickname for Jesy and Charlie. Comment any good ones? thanks lovelies. Oh and when I get in between 7 and 10 more votes I'll update c;

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