Chapter 3

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I woke up, the house was silent. I swung my legs over the bed and walked into Jesy's bedroom. She laid peacefully asleep. It was about 10 am so I really didn't sleep in. I sighed and walked down stairs into the kitchen. It was still a disaster from the previous night. I began to pick everything up when I heard foot steps enter the house.

"Mum?" I called out. When I didn't get an answer I ran upstairs to my sisters bedroom. I relaxed when I saw she was still there and hadn't moved. I quickly walked over to her and woke her up. "Jesy get under your bed." I told her. Her eyes widened and she crawled under the bed. I walked down stairs and looked around. After looking in every room I moved towards the living room. I heard a deep chuckle from behind me. I turned around and Niall stood in front of me. He grabbed my wrists and he smirked.

"Hello Charlie." he said.

"Why are you here?" I spat at him. He frowned slightly. I didn't understand him at all.

"Come on Princess, I know you like me." he said.

"You're stupid then. I have no interest in you." I told him. His eyes clouded over with anger.

"You don't understand anything. You're mine." he growled. He moved my head over and started to suck on my neck I gasped when we start to nibble on the skin. He licked the stinging mark a few times before pulling away. "Do you understand now?" he asked me.

"I don't want to be yours." I told him making him even more mad.

"To bad." and with that he left my house. My legs gave out and I sobbed on the ground. I heard a pitter patter on the floor and Jesy stood in front of me. Her eyes held worry and sorrow for me. She walked over to me and engulfed me into a hug.

"Don't cry sissy, Darcy's in a better place now. Away from daddy. She's safer then us now." Jesy said to me. A 9 year old knows more about the mess were in then our mother. She smoothed out my hair and smiled.

"I love you Jesy, I promise to never hurt you." I told her. She smiled.

"I love you too." she said interlocking our pinky fingers together. I stood up and sat her down on the couch.

"I'll make you breakfast then im going to take a shower and while you're in the shower I'll call mum." I told her. She nodded and watched the TV. I made her a bowl of cereal and handed it to her. Then I made my way upstairs.

When I entered the bathroom I didn't even bother with locking the door while my little sister was alone down stairs. I turned on the shower waiting for it to become hot. Finally after it did I stepped into the tub. The water trickled down my body and soon I started to wash up.

"Jesy your turn!" I called down the stairs.

"Okay." I heard her called back. I smiled and got dressed. I picked out a galaxy tank top with dark washed blue jean shorts with a pair of matching Vans to go along with it. I scrunched my hair and put on some light makeup and then I went to my sister room to help her pick out her outfit.

"Charlie, what should I wear?" she asked me. I looked through her closet and picked out a red and black tank top and blue jean shorts with red Vans. I fishtailed her hair and she smiled with satisfaction. I grabbed her hand and my phone and we stepped outside I walked towards the car and seat her in the back seat.

"Wanna go to the mall?" I asked her. She nodded and I drove into the direction of the mall.

Nialls p.o.v.~

I walked into Harry's apartment. He lay on the couch talking with Zayn. Zayn never really did anything. He had never gotten in trouble with the police he never did anything really. But he was still a cool guy.

"Where have you been Niall?" Harry asked me. His eyes were darker then normal.

"I was getting what was rightfully mine." I simply said to them.

"Niall leave that girl alone." Zayn said not taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"Fuck off Zayn, I want her but she doesn't want me back." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Maybe that's because you scared the fuck out of her yesterday." Harry said. I glared at him.

"Shut it Harry." I growled.

"Harry's right. Show her your not what you seem." Zayn said. I looked at him.

"And how exactly did you get in this gang Zayn?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I guess im just smart." he said. It was true, he was a really smart guy.

"Well im going home, bye guys." I said to them. They said bye and I walked out of the apartment and got to my car. I started it  and I drove home to my own apartment. It was a small place, but it was enough for me. I unlocked my front door and threw my keys onto the kitchen counter. I sat on the couch rubbing my face. How was I ever going to show her I wanted her?

Sorry but this was more of a filler ish chapter... Sorry

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