Chapter 24

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Note: Guys I lied this will be my last CHAPTER there will probably be a question and answer which for me will be both for Wattpad and Quotev. So ask questions. Oh and if any of you wanna make this for any of the other boys ask me first! Please? I do have copy rights on this story. Okay? Oh there's gonna be an eipilouge (or how ever you spell it).... 


Who evers reading this...

Please read on and know my last wishes. And that I want them answered. 

Was I dating Niall when I died? If so Niall please move on and live your life. Dont get all depressed and shit because of me. I was a nobody with a troubled life. Until you came along. But for real life your life. Date, have a ton of friends with benifits. I dont care.

Okay, how old was I? If I was young please dont cry. I didnt die all old and wrinkley, I died young and beautiful. If I was old then ya you can cry and do what ever you want cause I died old and gross. Ew. 

Who's reading this? Who evers reading this please take the time and do this. Every year on my birthday decorate my grave and throw a party in memory that I spent another year up in heaven. With everyone I love. 

Is my mom out of the rehab place? If she is dont let her take away Jesy from who ever she's with. My mother isnt stable anymore. Okay? Oh and my father let him rot in hell and away from everyone I love. 

Well there really isnt anything left that I would know for myself. But remember I love everyone who I've ever grown to know. 

Oh and Niall.... 

I love you. I'll miss all the times you've picked a fight and I, being stupid, fighted with you. I'll miss all the times we've touched and kissed. Everything we've been through. All our stupid fights and drunken battles. The late night talks, rides. My pregnancy. The miscarriage. You helping me through thick and thin. Your friends saving my life. All the blood. And all our purple and black bruises. All the times your soft lips met mine. All the times I traced over your many many tattoos. You taking me to get my tattoo. 

Our slow dances. Our memorys. The laughing fits that made my stomach hurt. I'm going to miss it all. Even when you tried to make me jealous by bringing home the sluts every night for a week after you over reacted when I took forever to say yes. 

Remember when I got drunk that night and you took care of me? And then that morning I got scared... Haha good times. 

And when I almost got raped but ended up having a miscarraige... You helped me through it all. 

If you're not the person I married and had kids with that I made a huge mistake. Well on my part. You care so much. And in my opinion no one could replace you.

I love you. 


I know it wasnt anything special... But I wanted it to be like... Like Niall wasnt totally forgotten in her heart before she died. Ya know? 

Many people dont read fan fictions because there to predictiable... Well I just wanted it to be like... Why the f*ck did the main character have to die? Lol. Hai. But for real I thought about that ending for awhile. 

I also wanna make a dedication. Ya know. Its gonna be to my English teacher. He taught me to keep things intresting. To always hang on the edge and to write the least expected...

Oh and to my lovely readers.... I didnt wanna just drag on with the usual: They fought through it on, then got married, had kids, went through the drama once again. 

Its boreing ya know? So it stayed short. And unexpected.... 

Thank you again for your support. And if any of you wanna change the stroy and tweek it for another boy just ask me using: 

Twitter: NiallersNemo

Facebook: Jordyn Woods (Nemo)

Kik: LuckyFinn

Quotev: ThatInnocentGirl

Thank you :3 

(Remember I DO have copy rights for this story. So this is my story.)

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