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My eyes snap open, greeted by the blinding sun in my eyes. I look over at my phone, which is playing my alarm. Ugh. I feel like crap. Last night after our date, Eli went back to his place and I came in here, then half an hour later he texted me, and we talked until three in the morning. Not a good a idea on a school night. I sit up and look around me. I'm wearing mostly the same clothes as last night, minus the jacket and scarf. I must have fell asleep after talking to Eli. The memory of last night hits me.

"HE KISSED ME!!!" I yell, but not too loud since my throat is oddly scratchy, thank god, he could have heard me. Best date ever. I reach up to touch my lips. Were they this chapped last night? I get up to look in the mirror, but as soon as I stand, my vision goes blurry and my head pounds furiously. Okay, maybe I shouldn't stand up then. I plop back down on my bed. Maybe Eli was sick and he passed it on? Even so, it would totally have been worth it. Should I call to ask him if he's sick, or would that be too clingy? I feel like shit, and I probably look it too. Maybe I should call him, narrow it down. I grab my phone, and click his contact. He picks up on the first ring.

"Emma?" he answers.

"Hey. Are you sick?"

"No... why? Are you okay?" he says concernedly.

"Yeah, but I think I am. Just making sure I didn't catch it from you, or spread it to you. No worries."

"No, I'm fine. Thanks though. Are you going to class?" he asks,

"I don't think so, I can't even stand up." I chuckle, which turns into a cough.

"Give me fifteen minutes. Do you have a spare key outside your door?"

"Um, yes? It's on the ledge above the door but you have class." I say as I attempt to stand up again. Never mind, not happening.

"Who needs class when a beautiful girl is in need? I'll be there soon."

"But-" I'm interrupted by him hanging up.

My room is a mess around me, but I know I'll never be able to clean up by the time Eli gets here. Oh well, who cares what he thinks. If his room isn't this messy, I would be surprised. Fifteen minutes later, as promised, he shows up at my bedroom door two hot chocolates and and cinnamon buns.

"Room service." he says with a wink.

I give him a pitiful wave. "Hey. You didn't have to come, I'm fine on my own." I say as I get up to prove that I'm okay.
Everything starts spinning and I wobble, struggling to keep my balance. The last thing I see as my vision goes black is Eli setting down the food and rushing towards me, calling my name.

Tucked (REWRITING/EDITING-)Where stories live. Discover now