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Emma above^^^


"Emma!" I yell as I run towards her. Luckily, she didn't hit her head, but she's out cold. I lift her onto the bed gingerly, and tuck her in. She looks so peaceful, and I want to kiss her, but I know that would not be appropriate right now. Now what do I do? Call 911? No, it's not that serious. Drive her to the hospital? I would, but I feel like I shouldn't move her. Shit. What do I do? A thought hits me. Nina! She used to be a nurse! She's like a mother to me, of course she'll help. I dial the bakery quickly and pray she picks up. While it ring I look over at Emma. Oh god, what if she's hurt? I know I just me her but I feel like I've known her forever.

Finally, Nina picks up and and I explain what happened, and her warm voice soothes me as she talks. She gives me some instructions, and hangs up, saying she'll be here soon. I run back to my place very quickly to.find the items Nina said to grab. Advil, check, hot waterbottle, check, and a armrest pillow. I rush back, and meet Nina in the hallway.

"This way." I say, jerking my head over to the door. I unlock it and let us in. She immediately finds the bedroom, and I let out a sigh of relief. She's in good hands now. I bring my supplies into the room, where Nina is inspecting Emma.

"Bad head cold, fever, mildly dehydrated, could have the flu. She's fine, Eli." Nina says.

"Are you sure? Is it normal for her to faint like that? She could be hurt! Will she be okay?" I reply frantically.

"Calm down there boy, she fainted because she stood up to fast, and over-exerted herself. After getting some rest, she'll be fine. I suggest you miss school today to take care of her, as she can't even stand up. Emma should wake up soon." she replies soothingly, her brown eyes filled with amusement and concern.

"Thanks Nina, I don't know what I'd do without you.Will you stay until she wakes up?"
I ask.

She agrees, and I put the armrest pillow behind Emma so she's sitting up against it, and brush the hair out of her face. She better be fine. I learned so much about her last night, and I told her things I haven't told anyone. Except about Abby. I'll tell her soon. Nina chuckles softly at me.

"Didn't you just meet this girl? She's practically a stranger, why do you care so much?"

" I know it's fast, but there's something about her. We've talked for hours straight, and I feel like I know her. Is that crazy?" I answer.

"Not at all. Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt." She replies steadily.

"I will, don't worry." I smile at her, then turn back to Emma. Her eyelids start to flutter, and her eyes snap open.


Fainting is very strange. One minute, you're awake and a guy has brought you hot cocoa. The next, everything fades away. I feel as if I'm floating, and eventually the feeling subsides and I'm awake again. Eli is looking at me with concern in his blue eyes, and beside him is a very friendly looking woman with silver hair.

"How are.you feeling honey?" The woman asks softly.

"Oh I'm okay, thank you..."

"Nina, dear. I own the bakery down the street and I'm a friend of Eli's. He called me and he was worried sick, not knowing what to do with you." Nina replies.

I look over at Eli and he averts his gaze while blushing furiously. He was worried about me?

"Well, thank you Nina, I appreciate it very much." I say politely.

"Do you need anything dear? Hot cocoa, tea?" she says.

"Hot cocoa please, if you don't mind." I say, locking eyes with Eli. Nina bustles off to the kitchen,leaving me and Eli alone.

"You gave me quite a scare there."he says, chuckling quietly.

"Sorry, I guess I'm not as fine as I thought. Nina seems nice."

His eyes light up. "Oh, she is. She used to be a nurse, that's why I called her."

I look deep into his gaze and I disappear for a second, letting myself get lost in the oceans before I speak again.

"Thanks, for doing this. You didn't need to. I---"

"It's no problem, really. When I was little, whenever I was sick someone from my family would always tuck me in before I went to sleep, so I think you needed someone to tuck you in too." He says, his eyes never leaving mine.

I look down, just noticing that my bed is made and I'm tucked in perfectly.

"My parents did the same thing. I think it was just what I needed." I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing lightly. He squeezes back, and for a second, I feel like I could fly. Then I'm dragged back down by multiple sneezes, and we both burst out laughing. I'm tucked.


#emi fluff! Hope you enjoyed the chapter (:

Tucked (REWRITING/EDITING-)Where stories live. Discover now