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I'm feeling better today, sadly. Eli has been taking care of me the last few days, and I was really enjoying spending time with him. But now, I'm not sick anymore! And it's Saturday! Why do all the bad things happen to me? I know, I know, I should be glad I'm healthy again blah blah blah, but Eli is so sweet and nice, and I selfishly was enjoying the attention. I stand in front of my open window looking out onto the street, and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

-How are you feeling today?-

I smile. He's texted me every morning to find out whether or not he should come over to take care of me, despite my protests.

-Much better, probably thanks to you.-

-I'm glad. What are you up to?-

-Just hanging around. I'm sticking my head out the window to get fresh air because I'm too lazy to actually go outside.-

-Good idea! I should probably do that too.-

-Well, I've been sick and haven't seen the light of day since Tuesday, but you've gone out.-

-Only once a day to get us sustenance.-


He doesn't text back for a few seconds, then replies.

-Look out your window.-

I stick my head out the window and look around. To my right, I see Eli's head of blonde hair sticking out the other window.

"Wow." I say loudly, raising my eyebrows at him.

"What?" He says, eyes twinkling.

"I'm just surprised your head fit through that window." I reply with a smirk.

"Did you just call me big headed?" he asks, mock hurt all over his face.


"Well, perhaps you could insult me over coffee? This window isn't the comfiest."

"I suppose. Meet me in the hallway in ten?"

"Perfect." He says, then ducks out of his window, and I do the same.

Ten minutes later, we're walking out the building and already talking about the weirdest things. I tell him about inside jokes my friends and I had in middle school, he tells me facts about our world that I didn't know before now, like how the "hat" on the pizza hut slogan isn't really a hat. My mind is blown. We arrive at Nina's, and Eli orders for both of us. Two cinnamon buns and two hot cocoas. While we wait for the cocoa's, Nina comes over to us from the kitchen.

"Hello my dears, what are you two up to?" she says warmly.

"We aren't really sure actually, we were just going to see where the day took us." I answer.

Eli nods in agreement, and he discreetly grabs my hand behind our backs. I grasp it tightly, smiling at Nina.

"Well, how do you feel about baking Emma?" Nina asks.

"I love it! I used to bake a lot in high school."

"Perfect. How would you too like to help here today? I'm a little short on staff today, and I have too leave at noon."

" You could have asked me to work Nina, I don't mind." Eli says,.

"NO, no, dear. You take too many shifts anyway. I just wondered if you two wanted to bake, since you both love it so much."

"That sounds great! After we eat we would love to help." I reply, squeezing Eli's hand.

"Oh thank you dear!" I'll just be in the back."

She walks away, and we get our order and eat quickly, then Eli leads me to the kitchen. He starts to gather ingredients, and I take the opportunity to check out the kitchen. It looks like it's been recently renovated, with new stainless steel appliances.

"Let's get started!" Eli says.

Tucked (REWRITING/EDITING-)Where stories live. Discover now