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"Is this Emma Caldwell?" A perky voice inquires.

"Yeah, that's me." I say, more fear filling me every moment.

"This is Dr. Bridgman's secretary. Your test results regarding the pain in your left side came back today."

"Okay... And?"

"I'm very sorry Miss Caldwell, they have diagnosed you with something. I can't actually give you the news over the phone, so I was calling to let you know to come as soon as possible."

"Oh, well, alright. Is this afternoon okay?" I ask.

"Yes, that would be ideal." The caller says, and I can hear the pity in her voice.

"I'll be there soon. Have a good day." I receive an answer, but I'm not listening. I hang up and grab my stuff, and practically sprint out the door. As I run down the stairs, the searing pain returns, mocking my every step.

I swear quietly as I step into the rain, and hail the first cab that drives by. I hop in, and hurriedly tell the driver the address. The ride seems to take forever. And ever. And ever. But, finally, we arrive. I pay, and walk briskly inside.

Everything is kind of a blur starting then. All I remember is being led to an office, then waiting for the doctor. I don't remember the conversation either, until the doctor spoke the words "ovarian cancer". He had my attention after that.

"Now, this case was stumping me before the test results came... Your symptoms were quite unique. This a very unusual case, but you caught it just in time. You have good chances of survival."

"Okay... So what are we going to do?"

"Well, you have a tumor... I think out best bet would be surgery, followed by chemotherapy." He says, showing me the scanned images. I can't believe that is inside of me.

"But money... Surgery and chemo cost money."

"Yes, but your parents have money, and insurance. Call them and see where they want you to get treatment. Also, we can't do the surgery for another week, you have to prepare for it. You have some time."

"Alright. Thank you, I guess."

"I'm very sorry I had to deliver the bad news."

"Don't worry about it." I say softly as I slowly walk out of his office.

Well shit.


Alison have been spending a lot of time together. It turns out she's really great at giving girl advice. Also, it puts off my parents looking for someone else to marry me off with. Alison hasn't told her parents about her sexuality, for obvious reasons.

She said she would tell them if I ever needed to leave. I do, but I'm trying make my parents happy. But Emma has been  a but distant. It's getting harder and harder to talk, because I want to tell her how I feel, but it has to be in person. So I'm trying to be normal.

I shoot Emma a text asking how her day has been, and lean back in my chair. Something tells me it hasn't been good. Call me crazy, but I somehow can feel when something is wrong.

I get an answer.

-Absolutely shitty. Wbu?-


-Meh. Boring. I'm not doing anything at alllllll.-

-Nina says hi-

That brings a smile to my face. I miss Nina a lot.

-Alison says hi-

In case you're wondering, of course I told Emma about Ali being a lesbian. And that Alison and i are purely platonic. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

-Has she told her parents yet, about.. you know.-

-No,but she will, at the right time.-

Speaking of which, I need to talk to my dad. I have had enough of sitting around and "dating" Alison. I tell Emma I have to go, then quickly head to my dad's office. I know he's there because I've heard him yelling at people over the phone. I collect myself before I go in, then calmly walk in.

My dad is leaning back in his chair twirling a pencil as he talks on the phone. Typical business person. He acknowledges my presence and gestures to the chair in front of him. I hesitate before sitting, but I eventually take a seat.

Finishing up his call, my dad hangs up the phone, then leans forward. Richard studies me, searching my face for who knows what. 

"What can I do for you Elijah?"he says.

"I need to go home. To San Francisco. I'm not even doing anything here."

"Why? What do you have there you don't have here?" Dad says, wrinkling his forehead in a frown.

"Well, for one, an apartment all to myself. A job I love, Nina, who's like a grandmother to me, and... there's this girl." 

"A girl? What about Alison? And you can get a job and apartment here."

"Yes, a girl. And Alison.. while she's a wonderful girl, her interests lie elsewhere, to put it lightly."

"What? Anyway, not the point. I brought you here for a reason." he says, tension in his face and shoulders.

"To "train" me for this position? Need I remind you that I don't want this. Hire someone for God's sake. You can make them keep the name. Don't wreck my life for your selfish reasons."

"They aren't entirely selfish son. You're the only one i trust, with all I've built. I'm trying to set you, and this company up with a great future."

"I... didn't know, but still. There are plenty of trustworthy people here. Find associates, I don't care. Figure it out. Don't commandeer me." I say sympathetically

"Do you... love this girl?" 

"I do."

'Then... fine, go. I'll hire someone. Go live your life with my blessing."

"Thank you so much. Dad... this means the world."

"What are you waiting for?" he says with a smile. "Go."

Tucked (REWRITING/EDITING-)Where stories live. Discover now