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I storm into the building, my feet thudding on the steps. First I was sad, now I'm mad. Why me? Why couldn't some evil old guy who kills puppies die? My vision is clouded with anger. This isn't happening!

At what I think is my apartment, I jam my key into the lock and try to turn it. I have the worst luck. I swear loudly, and try again. The door opens, but not by my doing. Eli stands at the door with a smirk on his face. My anger instantly dissolves.

"Did I really do that again? Shit, I'm really sorry." I say sheepishly.

"Do we need door signs? I can make that happen if you want."

"No, thanks. I've just had a bad day." I say with a glare, walking away.

Eli's face falls. "Wait...I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"No, no! It's fine, I'm just snappy today." And don't forget the possibly dying thing.

"Need cheering up?"

I shrug. "I guess."

"Perfect. Meet me here in 5." He calls back to me as he runs back in his place. I don't bother answering, he won't hear me. I go to the right apartment and drop off my stuff. I run into to the bathroom and attempt to fix my hair. I give up and go to wait in the hallway. Eli soon emerges with his arms full of stuff.

"Need some help?" I ask, moving towards him.

He shrugs, and hands me a basket. It's not too heavy, and I hold it carefully as I follow Eli. But weirdly enough, he leads me up the stairs. We go up three flights in silence, before we reach a door.

Balancing the pile of stuff with one hand, he eases open the door with the other. He holds it open with his foot for me. What a gentleman, even when he's the one who needs help.

I go through the door and up a few stairs and gasp. We are on the roof, with a view of our whole neighborhood. I can see the top of the Golden Gate bridge from up here!

"I know. The landlord lets me hang out up here whenever I want." Eli says, setting up the stuff he brought on the concrete floor. I walk over to the edge and look down.

"Wow. I mean, who would've thought you would have such a beautiful view from up here. The sunset is so gorgeous. Like-" I turn around and I suddenly am speechless. Eli has set up the most romantic picnic ever. A light blue blanket rests on the ground, with several colorful pillows. He is taking cinnamon buns and apple juice boxes from the basket.

"Eli you... Why did you... I'm- " I sputter.

"You're what, not worth it? Not special? The one thing I've learned in the past few weeks Emma, is that you are. And if you had a bad day, I want to be there for you, let me be there."


"No buts. Come here." He commsnds.

I oblige willingly and he embraces me in a huge hug, squeezing me like he's going to lose me. Well, I'm not going to tell him he might. After his sister...well.

"You know,this is like, the most cliche thing ever. A romantic picnic on a roof? What is this, a Wattpad story?" I say, my voice muffled by his chest.

"I figured you wouldn't mind a bit of cliche." He chuckles.

"True." I reply as we settle down on the blanket. He hands me a juice box. Please don't ask me what's wrong please please please.


No, no, stop. Please please please.

"How bout dem apple juice?" He says with a grin. Phew.

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