Will You Marry Me?

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My first chapter! Exciting!

The Stars were beautiful. Almost as beautiful as his girlfriend next to him. (Soon to be fiancé) laying on the edge of Itchy armpit, looking into the night sky.

"How beautiful is this? Just gazing up into the night sky, laying down next to you," Astrid whispered

"I agree," Hiccup sighed

"Is there something wrong Hiccup? You seem awfully quiet"

"Huh? Wha? There's nothing wrong, everything is absolutely perfect.
(Astrid raises an eyebrow)
Okay fine. I'm nervous"

"For what?"

"Well, I've been wondering..."
Hiccup stands up and gets on one knee, and astrid follows closely behind, staying standing.
"Astrid Hofferson, I've got a lot to say, but I can't say all of it right now. Ever since I've laid eyes on you when we were like 5 or 6, I've liked, no loved you. Your beautiful smile, your loving compliments and just basically everything about you is perfect. I'm not trying to make this sound cheezy, but I am nervous so, will you do me a favour and become my wife?"

Gasping, Astrid throws herself onto hiccup, not caring about anything besides him.
"Of course I will! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" Astrid said with a tear stained face.

Hiccup stood up and pressed his lips on his fiancés'.
"Mmm" Astrid hummed.
After 10 minutes of heated make out sessions, they finally broke apart, foreheads still connected.
"I love you Hiccup"

"I love you more... Mrs Haddock"

I know what you guys are thinking. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. I don't mind it, I would actually prefer it if you guys had your say about my stories. Of course this is my first one so don't go too harsh on me. If you guys have any suggestions for stories, I would love to hear them. I will update when an idea pops into my head or if I take your suggestions. That's all for now! Peace out!


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