Author's Note

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Hey guys! (Did I spell author correctly? I don't know. It's just one of those words where you take a look at it and say it a couple of times and it just feels weird.) This is not a One-Shot (obviously) because I'm just here to say thank you to the 72 people who have read my book so far, and the 12 people who have voted for my book. I know some people might think that that is just a couple of people, no biggie. (YES BIGGIE) Well it is a biggie for me because I don't expect many people to read my books because I'm not popular at the moment. This part is dedicated to all the people that have read and voted for my story basically.

Btw tomorrow is the test! AHHHH So nervous!!!! I might or might not have time to update tomorrow because my friends and I are going to Max Brenner (Chocolate Cafe) after the test to celebrate! Because we literally began studying like 2 years ago for this test.... Soooo... Friggin..... Nervous!!! So yeahhhhhh. Wish us luck!!

Peace out! ✌🏻️

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