A Decade

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Okay so i dont know where this idea came from, its late and im lying in bed when it pops into my head. So i guess we're doing this at 11:56 pm. LES GO.

"Astrid! Come on downstairs"
My mum shouted.

"Okay mummy!" I skipped down the steps while holding the banister to not slip as i was wearing my favourite bunny socks.

When i reached the bottom, i was greeted by none other than my bestest friend ever, Hiccup Haddock. But something was off. He wasn't his usual cheerful self. Astrid could see it behind his eyes that something was wrong.

"Hi Ast." Hiccup said softly with a smile.

"Hey hicc! Whats wrong?"

Before Hiccup could say anything, his dad stepped in front of him and kneeled down to my height.

"Hi Astrid."

"Hi Mr Stoick!"

"Look i'm really sorry about this but we're moving away."

"Huh?" I tilted my head to the side as i didnt know what that meant.

"It means that you won't see Hiccup anymore because he will be far away."

"What?!" I was in disbelief. My best friend was going away from me? My eyes started welling up with tears and i pushed past stoick to embrace Hiccup in a hug.
"You promise to never forget me!" I sobbed into his shoulder.

Hiccup hugged me back.
"Never ever will i forget you Ast."

That was the last time I ever saw Hiccup. In person of course. That was 10 years ago. A whole decade! Of course when he moved away we Skyped every single day. But when we got to High School, that slowed down. Eventually, we never did anymore. Of course there was the occasional 'hi' or 'hows life?' On text but nothing special.

We did sometimes have those deep conversations on call where we would cry and tell each other that we missed each other, but it still wasn't enough.

We both needed that extra step. The extra step neither of us had taken before.

I walk out of the front school gate after class. Just like any other day, it just repeats itself. Walk out, sulk, go home, do homework, eat a quarter of dinner and sleep. But today was kinda different. Tuff needed someone to drive him to the airport to pick his sister up apparently, so I agreed and now we're headed there.

"Are you ready Astrid?" Ruff asks.

Ruff and I live near each other, and she was flying with me to visit Tuff and her family.

"I guess. But what if he doesn't want to see me? What if I go there and he just doesn't talk to me?"

"Chill girl, from what tuff keeps telling me, he misses you a bunch. So don't get worked up, you'll be fine."

I take a deep breath and before i knew it, the plane landed.

Ruff and I went through security and collected our bags before heading out to find Tuffnut and Hiccup, the negative What Ifs still circling around my head.

We look around before spotting them and running to greet them. Ruffnut gives Tuff a quick hug and does their signature twin handshake. But hiccup is nowhere to be seen.

"If you're looking for Hiccup, he said he was going to get a water from the store over there." Tuff said, pointing to a small convenience store.

"Okay I'll just w-"  I was cut off by a voice.

"Astrid?? Is that you?"

I turn around to meet a man about my age with very green eyes.
(if i haven't mentioned this, they don't really recognise each other because they haven't video chatted in a loooong time)

"Sorry, do I know you?" I was genuinely confused. The twins snickering behind me weren't helping either.

The man chuckles. "seriously? it's me, Hiccup."

My eyes widen and my mouth drops. Holy crap He's so hot.

"HICCUP!" I wrap my arms around him and squeezed him. He squeezed me back with equal force before placing his hands gently on my waist and putting his forehead on mine, the height difference making him look down and me look up.

"I missed you so so so so so much." I say, smiling.

"I missed you too, beautiful."

I blushed at his comment. Yes it's true I have a massive crush on him, but he only sees me as his best friend.

Or that's what i thought before he closed the gap between us and our lips connected. It was like we were made for each other. His lips were soft and they fit perfectly with mine.

When he pulled away, I was shocked. "I- I"

"Shhhhh." He put a finger on my lips to shush me. "I missed you so much it made me realise how badly I needed you in my life. So now that I'm old enough, I'm coming back home."

Those were the 4 best words i've heard in over a decade.

"I love you." Hiccup said, and kissed me again.


Whooooo okay that was the first one shot in a loooong ass time. i apologise.

i have a new book if you didn't already know! It's called Summer Love - Hiccstrid AU (yes it's cliche and cheesy but i promise it's nothing like the other summer romances you've read before)

GO GO READ! the first two chapters are up and I update every Thursday! SPREAD THE WORD MY LOVES❤️

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