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Hey guys! Whut up?
"Hey toothless, wanna go out flying bud?" Hiccup asked his best friend toothless.
He warbled in response, usually meaning yes. Toothless ducked his head down and lifted hiccup onto his back. They then took off towards the rising sun over the horizon.

As they were heading back, toothless started growling.
"What is it bud?." Hiccup asked trying to see what was making toothless upset. Then he saw it. A fleet of ships with the skrill on one of the boats mast. Dagur. ( I put dagur and my phone keeps changing it to da gut...) then hiccup spotted something else, a rather familiar deadly Nader with a rather familiar blonde girl. Astrid.
"Oh no" hiccup mumbled. "Bud, we need to double back to get help. Dagur has a whole fleet of ships and we wouldn't be able to defeat them on our own."
Don't worry Astrid, I'll save you.

When hiccup got back, he informed the gang about it immediately.
"Guys we need to plan an attack. It needs to be really efficient because it's not going to be easy."

"Ooh I've got an idea! How about we just blow up the ships then we capture Astrid back!" Tuffnut yelled.

"No tuff, we're not going to do that because if we do, we'd blow Astrid up too. Oh! I've got one!" Hiccup said. "We're leaving first thing tomorrow to search for dagur. Now get some rest guys."

When hiccup got back home, he noticed a letter on the table.
Dearest hiccup.

I assume you are aware of the dissapearance of your precious girlfriend Astrid.
To get her back you need to give me what I want. You would already know what that is of course, but let me refresh your memory. I want the night fury hiccup. If you don't hand him in by sunset tomorrow, she gets it. And I suppose you know what I mean.

-Dagur the Deranged

Time skip

"Okay guys, remember the plan? Cause I'm not going over it a sixth time. Just remember. Stay out of sight until I give the signal."

Everyone nodded.
Hiccup took toothless by the saddle and brought him over to where Dagur was. He had Astrid tied onto a chair and it was clear that she was tortured because her arms and legs were covered in blood and she was on the verge of crying. Who would imagine? Fearless Astrid Hofferson crying.

"Okay Dagur. I have toothless, now let her go."

"Not until I get my night fury hiccup." Dagur replied.

"Let her go first."

"Ugh fine. Gaurds! Untie the girl. Then take the night fury."
The gaurds roughly untied Astrid and she fell to the floor and started crawling towards hiccup. Being the kind boyfriend he is, hiccup helped Astrid to her feet and held her by the waist.

"How sweet? NOW GIVE ME MY NIGHTFURY!" Dagur demanded.

"You should never underestimate me Dagur. You'll always find I have a plan ready. Oh and you can't have toothless. NOW GUYS!"

"Hah hiccup, hiccup hiccup. YOU should never underestimate ME. FIRE!!!"

"Oh no."
Hey guys! I don't have time to post the entire chapter so this one will be in two parts. It's really late and I'm going for a camp tomorrow so ya biiiiii


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