Why didnt you tell me?

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Hi guys! Late chapter, super rushed it's 3:24am, LETS DO DIS
Hiccup woke up from his deep slumber to the sound of pots and pans crashing down onto the kitchen floor. It had been a great night for the newly weds. (If you know what I mean ;D)
He ran down to see Astrid picking up all the pots and shoving them back into the cupboard.
"What are you doing?" hiccup asked.

"Um. Trying to cook you some breakfast?" Astrid said with a slight smile.

"Sorry Astrid got to run. Mom expects me to meet her right now. Thanks for trying though." Hiccup said as he closed the front door behind him.
Astrid slumped down on the couch and exhaled loudly. Another day by herself. Yippee.

Time skip (sorry short on time here)

It's been weeks after they did... Ya know... It. Astrid was standing in the bathroom, wide eyed at the pregnancy test. And it was positive.
She decided not to tell hiccup so soon until she could come up with a plan to tell him. Astrid didn't know how he would react, if he would be mad, sad, overjoyed or even dump her.
Just then the front door opened and a exhausted hiccup trudged through.
Astrid decided not to tell him as he was already under too much stress at the moment.

Another time skip

It has now been 3 months and Hiccup has started to notice her baby bump.
As he was getting ready in the bathroom, he noticed the test in the bin... He picked it up and walked down.
"Astrid?" He called "when exactly were you planning on telling me this?"

"Tell you what?" Astrid said as she spun around. "Oh that. Well... I wanted to tell you sooner but you were under a whole bunch of stress at that time and I didn't know how you would react... I didn't know if you were going to be happy about it or just dump me, so I put it off. But know that you've found that it basically explains everything. Yes, I am pregnant."

"Why didn't you tell me? Like sooner? I would've been so happy! Not that I'm not right now though, but I will never dump you just like that. It's great that we now have a child. We can be a proper family now! Oh this is going to be so great! And plus I don't have anymore chiefing duties for he rest of the year! My mom says I've been under a lot of stress and told me to go home and relax. She's going to take care of it for me! I can take care of you. Both of you! Wait how long are you in now?"

"Eh about 3 months or so"

"3 months?! Oh Astrid you should've told me sooner!"

"I think it is better I told you later because you wouldn't be that overprotective."

"Overprotective? Since when am I overprotective? Oh wait. Yeah maybe I am a little overprotective."
Okay Done! I don't have time to say much but hope y'all enjoyed!
Peace out!

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